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Cleaning up of Berhampur city on a war-footing ordered

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The Hindu             04.11.2013

Cleaning up of Berhampur city on a war-footing ordered

Staff Reporter

Ganjam district administration ordered the Phailin cyclone hit Berhampur city to be cleaned up on a war footing by November 7.

It may be noted that even after three weeks, the cyclone-hit, city bears the devastated look and its state of hygiene and sanitation is in dismal state. The continuous rains from October 22 to 26 had deteriorated the sanitation condition of the city further. Reviewing the condition of the city, Ganjam district Collector Krishan Kumar ordered the authorities of the Berhampur Municipal Corporation (BMC) to get the city totally cleaned up within a week.

Large garbage dumps comprising of debris of the cyclone can be seen all around the city till now. The Collector ordered all these garbage dumps to be cleaned up as early as possible. Most of the fallen trees in the city have been cleared up. But there are still some fallen trees which have to be either lifted for restoration or they have to be cut down and removed. It was ordered to get the work done in next few days.

It was decided to disinfect all areas of the city through abundant sprinkling of bleaching powder. Around seven lakh halogen tablets would be distributed in the city for disinfection of water sources.

Although electricity supply has been restored in most areas of the cyclone hit city, yet during night it bears a dark look as most street lights are not burning. The Collector said at least 2,400 street lights would be in operation in the city soon. He also ordered speedy electrification and resumption of lighting facility in all the seven cyclone devastated parks of the city, so that they could be ready for public use as early as possible.

It was decided that the BMC authorities would hold meetings in every three days to review the cyclone relief and restoration work in Berhampur city. Efforts are also on to repair the roads which were damaged by the cyclone and the continuous rains.