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Get water connection registered at low cost before November 30

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The Times of India          09.11.2013

Get water connection registered at low cost before November 30

VARANASI: Mayor Ramgopal Mohale has asked the general manager of Jal Kal to take the connection charges as per the simplified scheme from those whose connection will be regularised by Jal Kal before November 31.

In his letter, the mayor has asked the GM to charge Rs 500, Rs 1,000, Rs 2,000 and Rs 3,000 for the connection of houses bearing an area of 500 square feet, 500-1000 square feet, 1001-2000 square feet and more than 2001 square feet, respectively. According to the mayor the step will benefit the general public who otherwise would have to pay Rs 3,000 for getting their connection registered in the Jal Kal records.

Meanwhile, commenting on the proposal made by the mayor, GM Jal-Kal BK Pandey said this was a drive to motivate maximum number of people to get their water connections registered on a comparatively lower charge. According to the mayor the drive continue till November 31. It is worth to mention here that initially the local body had fixed the connection charges at approximately Rs 3,000.

"Even if we are able to register 20% of the water connections, it will boost our recurring revenue generation to the tune of Rs one crore every financial year. Though the connection fee will not yield any significant addition to the revenue," opined the official.

Demonstration for VMC staff's security on Nov 12: Members of the voluntary organisation Dr Ambedkar Swachchkar Kalyan Nyas will stage a demonstration on November 12 at the Varanasi Municipal Corporation (VMC) to mark protest against mal practices like 'sudkhori' and 'dasturi', prevalent in the system.

Talking to reporters here on Friday, the president of the body, Gopal Prasad said a large number of sweepers were victim of these bad practices that recently resulted in the death of a cleaning staff's husband.

The orgainisation will raise their nine-point demands during the demonstration. These demands mainly intend to provide safe and secure system for the members of the cleaning staff of VMC who are often abused and subjected to violence by those involved in the business of money lending on higher interest.

The organisation is also active in helping the down trodden in getting educated and aware through camps organised at regular periods at Durgakund, Bhainsasur, Maidagin and Shivpurva slums.