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NMMC may build wall around Morbe Dam

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The Times of India          09.11.2013

NMMC may build wall around Morbe Dam

NAVI MUMBAI: The Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC) has decided to construct a compound wall around the Morbe Dam in Raigad district in a bid to restrict animals and people from entering its premises illegally.

Currently, locals use the dam, which is the source of drinking water to the city, for domestic purposes. Officials also said animals defacate into the water increasing potential health hazards.

The proposal for escalating security of the dam was on the NMMC agenda for the standing committee meeting to be held on Wednesday.

"Following death of a sitting corporator on Tuesday, the meeting was called offafter paying tribute to the passed away NCP member. The proposal of constructing security wall around Morbe Dam will now be discussed at the next standing committee meeting," a senior NMMC official said.

Besides human beings, cattle, dogs and other animals wander into the dam premises, resulting in a water pollution.

"The civic body has planned to build a wall to turn the area into a walled restricted zone. The estimated cost for construction of the wall is around Rs 1.58 crore. Once the standing committee approves the proposal, the administrative process will be expedited," an NCP corporator said.

Nearly 450 mld of water is supplied to the satellite city from the dam. "Due to free access to the dam, there is a possibility of damage to the water supply reservoirs. Any damage by civilians, animals or even terrorists will prove fatal for the city," said a local.

"Besides construction of boundary wall, the local body should consider implementing high-tech security measures to protect the dam and its surrounding areas," the resident added.

A terrorist had revealed to the Mumbai police that dams are on the hit list of terror outfits. Around three years ago, the state government had increased security around the Koyna dam in the wake of a possible terror attack on dams in the state.