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Kolhapur Municipal Corporation amends road project tender to avoid further delay

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The Times of India         20.11.2013

Kolhapur Municipal Corporation amends road project tender to avoid further delay

KOLHAPUR: The Kolhapur Municipal Corporation (KMC) is preparing the re-tendering process for Nagarotthan, the state government-funded road development project, with an amendment to the tender document by adding a clause that no contractor be awarded with more than a work.

The retendering process is for the Rs 65-crore road development work for around 30 km and the storm water management system in the city. Since June, the Nagarotthan project is stalled because the contractors entrusted with the task have left the work unfinished.

According to sources, work on a total 50-km road network was to be completed with Rs 108.11 crore as part of the Maharashtra Suvarna Jayanti Nagarotthan Maha-Abhiyan, a project launched by the state government to celebrate the golden jubilee of Maharashtra's statehood.

"The project has been delayed and we have blacklisted two contractors. We will not allow them to take part in the retendering process. We have distributed the work in four packages and have mentioned in the tender clause that no contractor should be awarded with more than one package. It will prevent delay in completing the work. It will also be easy to monitor the progress," KMC commissioner Vijayalakshami Bidari said.

The sources said the pre-bid meeting with the contractors would d on December 3,while the last date of receiving tender will conclude on December 17. Considering these dates, KMC officials hope that the road development work might finally start in January 2014.

The project in the city was launched in 2011. After two-and-a-half years, it was found that only 25% of the work was completed and the delay was attributed to the "apathy" of the officials assigned with the monitoring of the progress of the work.