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Property tax: MC to discuss exemption for defence personnel

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The Indian Express             28.11.2013 

Property tax: MC to discuss exemption for defence personnel

Following a representation by Brig K S Chandpuri (Retd), former nominated councillor and vice-president of Zila Sainik Welfare office, the issue of exemption of property tax on residential and commercial buildings owned by retired defence personnel and their families will be taken up in the General House meeting of the municipal corporation on Friday.

The MC recently notified the tax on residential property, while tax on commercial property was imposed several years ago.

In his representation, Brig Chandpuri demanded that ex-servicemen and their families be exempted from paying the tax.

The civic body had earlier sent a communication to the UT Administration demanding exemption of tax for 25 categories.

However, the same was rejected.

The issue will now be discussed in the House and the opinion of the councillors sent to the Administration for approval.

The MC has imposed tax at the rate of Rs 1 per square yard, which has to be paid till December 15.

However, the House Tax committee has asked for the date to be extended till March 31. It had been proposed that residents of housing societies be required to pay tax only for the area that is occupied, while the present notification entails that tax will have to be paid considering the whole area of the housing society, including parks and roads and then dividing it by the number of units.

Among other issues to be taken up at the meeting are a report by the committee that visited NEERI in Nagpur.

It has been proposed that a consultancy be sought on development of comprehensive solid waste management plan for MC. Further, the Memorandum of Understanding for joint co-operation programme between Urban Community of Plaine Commune, France, and Chandigarh will be brought up for discussion.