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TP resolves to clear encroached land

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Deccan Herald        30.11.2013

TP resolves to clear encroached land

Even as several organisations are fighting against the encroachment of government land by wealthy individuals in Kushalnagar town panchayat limits, the Kushalnagar Town Panchayat on Friday, passed a resolution to take stringent action to clear the encroahed land in the TP limits.

The town panchayat meeting has been witnessing fight from various quarters against wealthy landlords encroaching the government land including gomala, paisari, kumbaragundi and National Park.

Raising the issue, TP member H J Kariappa said that there was a need to carry out survey of the government land in TP limits. Supporting his  view members demanded for conducting a survey. After a lengthy discussions, it was decided to clear the encroachment. The Town Panchayat also decided to reclaim the encroached land without any delay.  Member Sharavankumar raised the issue of high-tension wire passing through Gundu Rao layout.

Though the matter was discussed in the last meeting and there were suggestions to re design the layout, nothing has been done in this regard, he complained. Responding to the issue, TP Chief Officer Babu said that a request was sent to the Urban Development Authority asking to re design the plan and action will be taken soon after receiving green signal from the UDA, he said.

Some of the resolutions that were passed in the meeting include, shifting the tempo stand to the available land near Hindu crematorium and evict the old government and private buildings in TP limits which are in a pathetic condition.

TP President D K Thimmappa chaired the meeting.