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MCC to seek State funds to complete JnNURM works

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Deccan Herald           04.12.2013

MCC to seek State funds to complete JnNURM works

Corporators speak during the council meeting held at MCC premises, in Mysore, on Tuesday. dh photo

In a move that suggests serious concerns about the financial health of Mysore City Corporation (MCC), the civic body decided to approach the Chief Minister for funds to complete several pending works under Jawaharal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM). The decision was taken at a council meeting held, here, on Tuesday.

The proposal was made following the guidelines by the Union Ministry of Urban Development, that no additional funds will be released for the completion of the first phase works under JnNURM. Officials admitted that there is a serious fund crunch, with the MCC requiring an additional Rs 189 crore for completion of works, especially the controversial 24x7 water supply scheme. The proposal will be made during the Chief Minister’s review meeting, scheduled to be held on December 13.

Earlier, during the meeting, corporators raised objections about the Detailed Project Report of 24x7 water scheme and blamed Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Board (KUWSDB) for under-estimating the cost of the project.

“Rs 20 lakh was paid to KUWSDB to conduct a survey about the required pipeline length and to ascertain the number of connections. 

The faulty survey, which under-estimated the requirements of the city is now affecting MCC. Therefore, KUWSDB must be held responsible and made to pay the additional funds required to complete 24x7 water project in the city,” corporator Sandesh Swamy said.

Mayor N M Rajeshwari said, in case the Chief Minister declines to sanction the funds, the MCC will take measures to make KUWSDB pay for the shortage of funds, owing to gross under-estimation of the required cost of the project.

Voices were raised against seeking the required funds as ‘loan’ from the government. Responding to the objections of corporators, MCC Commissioner P G Ramesh clarified that no loans were sought from the State government, but only funds to complete projects.