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Corporation to Convene Meet to Solve ROB Hurdles

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The New Indian Express             10.12.2013

Corporation to Convene Meet to Solve ROB Hurdles

As the Kochi Corporation gets ready to convene a special council to  clear the roadblocks faced in the implementation of Pachalam Rail Over Bridge (ROB) project on Thursday, they would have to tackle many a hurdles, including the divergent opinions regarding the width of the bridge.

Though the proposed width is 22 mts, many argue that a slight change in the  alignment will benefit the public as it would mean less number of evictees.

Rangadasaprabhu, president, Ernakulam District Residents Association Apex Council (EDRAAC) said there is nothing wrong in changing the alignment from 22 mts to 18 or 20 mts.

“If the authorities insist on 22 mts, the possibility of an ROB will remain a distant dream. Besides, many would be pulled out of their dwellings. Hence, it is highly recommendable if the authorities come up with a new alignment,” he said.

Rangadasa Prabhu said that to avail of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) funds, the authorities would have to submit a  revised version. “It is learnt that the project would not get JNNRUM funding if the existing design of the bridge is altered. Hence, the best alternative is to submit a revised design,” he said.

The Kerala Latin Catholic Association (KLCA) has said that though they are  not dead against an ROB with 22 mts, they feel a bridge with a lesser width   is also favoured. “There are ROBs built in the city recently. But, none of them have the 22 mts. So, why the authorities are clamouring for a bridge with 22 mts,” asks Sebastian Valiyaparambil, general secretary, KLCA.  However, Residents’ Apex Council of Ernakulam (RACE) said they were sticking to the 22 mts width. “We do not need a point less or more than the proposed 22 mts. If it is below 22 mts, it would become a single lane and that would not help in easing the traffic woes. The purpose will be defeated. Similarly, if it goes above 22 mts, it would affect many buildings,” he said.

Town Planning Committee chairman K J Sohan said a policy matter regarding the width of the ROB has to be taken. More details can be divulged only after the decision, he said.