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HUDA plot owners to get notices for not paying EDC

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The Times of India              20.12.2013

HUDA plot owners to get notices for not paying EDC

GURGAON: The Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) will issue notices demanding External Development Charges (EDC) from house owners in 15 different sectors in Gurgaon. A discrepancy in filing EDC charges was found during an audit review of revenue collection from house owners. The pending EDC charges run to lakh of rupees.

House owners who have not cleared their dues will be issued notices.

A senior HUDA official said the houses are located in sectors under the jurisdiction of Estate Office I in Gurgaon. "Notices will be sent to house owners by next week. They will have to respond immediately and pay up the charges," said the official.

In HUDA sectors, EDC is charged from house owners and funds are then used for raising infrastructure and other public facilities. According to HUDA rules, house owners with plots measuring 500 sq m will have to pay Rs 415 and for plots more than 500 sq m will have to pay Rs 550 as EDC. In addition, for pending due, HUDA also charges 10% penalty from plot owners. The delay in payment of EDC can mean disconnection of utility services, including electricity.

The residents, however, are not happy with the development. Sandeep Ahuja, a resident said: "HUDA's demand for EDC from plot owners is unjustified, as there is no external development in many sectors in New Gurgaon."