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Civic body to appoint IIT to revive clogged Powai lake

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The Times of India           24.12.2013

Civic body to appoint IIT to revive clogged Powai lake

MUMBAI: A torrent of complaints about the deteriorating status of the Powai lake has finally nudged the civic body into action: The BMC has proposed to appoint IIT-Bombay to suggest steps to clean the lake and give it a new lease of life.

The proposal will be tabled in the next standing committee meeting on Thursday.

The water body, which is spread over 600 sq hectares, is now clogged with water hyacinths, filled with garbage dumped into it and contaminated with sewage water flowing into it. Several drain lines have been leaking, resulting in sewage water getting contaminated in the water.

According to civic officials, the cleaning up of the lake would be done in phases. In the first round, the BMC will fix all the drains, while IIT-B will work on a natural water-filter bed at drain points to check pollutants. Officials said that several new technologies developed by the IIT would be used to map the lake and study sediments found in it. The BMC will also use effective methods to remove the debris, as suggested by the institute.

The next phase will focus on the removal of water hyacinths and de-silting of the water body.

In the last phase, the officials will beautify the lake, which will include solar lighting and floating pavements. The draft plan also talks about water sports and leisure fishing.

The cost of the entire project has been estimated at Rs 92 lakh.

Residents living near the lake have time and again petitioned the BMC to undertake steps to clean the lake and to ensure that the flora and fauna can be restored. They have also taken up signature campaigns and a project called "revitalization of Powai lake" under which, they urge people not to throw garbage in the water.