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Civic administration gets more time to form development plan review panel

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The Times of India               22.01.2014

Civic administration gets more time to form development plan review panel

PUNE: The general body of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) extended the deadline to form a review committee to look into the draft development plan (DP) of the old city areas on Tuesday.

The civic administration had sought the extension stating that the state government is yet to appoint its experts.

"The committee has to be formed to review the suggestions and objections regarding the draft DP. The administration was given a period of six months after the draft DP's approval to form this committee. It is supposed to have three members from the civic body and four from the state government. The civic body has named its members, but we are still awaiting appointment of the government experts. Hence, we have sought an extension," said additional commissioner Rajendra Jagtap, while speaking at the general body meeting.

The civic administration had submitted a proposal to this effect to the general body, which came up for discussion at its meeting on Tuesday. Members of the Bharatiya Janata Party opposed the extension, but those of other parties, including the Congress and Nationalist Congress Party, supported it, and the proposal was approved.

The PMC published the draft DP on March 28, 2013. The plan is applicable to the old city, comprising 17 Peth areas and surrounding areas spanning over 147.85 sq km. The DP proposes 921 reservations covering 1,080.79 hectare land for amenities like health, education and recreation. The 1987 DP had 587 reservations for amenities.

This DP will be for a duration of 20 years (2007-27), with special provisions for the Pune metro rail, a transport hub, expansion of main roads, schemes for housing for the needy and cluster development of old dilapidated 'wadas'.

The seven-member review committee will hear over 87,000 suggestions and objections regarding the draft DP submitted by citizens and NGOs. The civic body has appointed Chetan Tupe and Vishal Tambe of the NCP and Abhay Chhajed of the Congress as members to the panel.