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Udyog Vihar may come under Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon

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The Times of India            11.02.2014

Udyog Vihar may come under Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon

GURGAON: Management and upkeep of the industrial sectors of Udyog Vihar have been exclusive concerns of the HSIIDC up until now. But some of the civic responsibilities in these parts may soon be taken over by the MCG, according to senior state officials.

Senior HSIIDC representatives in Gurgaon corroborated the claim, saying the MCG may begin work in Udyog Vihar 'within a month or so.'

"The municipal corporation will be taking over hygiene management here, which includes works like sweeping the roads and garbage disposal. The MCG will also be looking after streetlight maintenance in the industrial areas," said O P Goyal, Gurgaon DGM, HSIIDC.Even since the inception of Gurgaon's industrial zones, the HSIIDC has remained the sole authority here. Such a transfer of powers, although limited in scope, remains without precedent in Gurgaon. "The government has decided that the MCG will be taking over some responsibilities here. We have also referred the municipal officials to the state government's directive. We are waiting for their response," Goyal said.

The latest point of contention between Gurgaon's industrial community and the state authorities had to do with property tax collection by the municipal corporation in this area. Plot owners in Udyog Vihar maintained that MCG's tax demand was illegitimate as the civic body had no part to play in the industrial zones, which lay squarely under the purview of the HSIIDC.

Some industrialists are now suspecting that the new government order might be a ruse to provide legal standing to MCG's property tax demand, which has been challenged by local associations in the court of law.

"This is completely unacceptable. The MCG has taken up insignificant duties here only to justify its property tax demand. The point is that the industrial area needs one civic authority, not two," said H R Vaish, president, Udyog Vihar Chamber of Industries.