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MMC passes resolution on wards delimitation

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The Times of India             13.02.2014

MMC passes resolution on wards delimitation

MARGAO: Noisy and chaotic scenes were witnessed at a meeting of the Margao municipal council (MMC) on Wednesday after the 20-odd councillors were upset as they alleged that they were not taken into confidence on what would be discussed at the meeting.

The key outcome of the meeting was that a resolution was passed by the councillors for delimitation of the MMC wards. The aim of undertaking the delimitation process is to ensure that the population will be evenly divided across all the wards.

The councillors want that this resolution should be forwarded to the director of municipal administration by the chief officer Deepali Naik.

The councillors have also passed a resolution to increase the number of wards so as to have a minimum of 2,500 voters in each ward.

This is not the first time that the issue of delimitation and increasing the number of wards has been raised by the civic body, and sources said that the delimitation exercise, if undertaken, is likely to increase the number of wards from the current 20 to at least 25.

Later, chief officer Naik, speaking to TOI, explained that the proposal stems from the observation that there is considerable disparity in the population in the wards which affects the development works. "Whenever funds are allotted to the wards for development works, the wards with less population are likely to benefit more than the ones with large population. The revised demarcation of wards based on current population will address those anomalies," Naik said.

Earlier, during the meeting, there was a heated discussion between councillor Joseph Vaz and MMC chairperson Dayanand Deulkar, where Vaz alleged that certain encroachments near a chapel in Margao had the support of the chairperson. The allegations were denied by Deulkar.

Discussions were also held on the Goa regulation of land development and building construction Act 2008 and Naik stated that she would seek legal opinion on how to go about its implementation, while adding that the DMA had already issued directions for its immediate implementation.

Naik also directed all councillors to submit relevant details of pet owners in their wards and to offer full cooperation for the Mission Rabies campaign by the MMC who in collaboration with International Animal Rescue (IAR) will soon undertake an anti-rabies mission in Margao.