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Gulbarga City Corporation will be issued show-cause notice: Minister

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The Hindu 09.12.2009

Gulbarga City Corporation will be issued show-cause notice: Minister

Special Correspondent

Corporation failed to hold general body meetings regularly

Taking stock: Minister for Urban Development S. Suresh Kumar inspecting work on a storm-water drain in Gulbarga on Tuesday.

GULBARGA: Minister for Urban Development S. Suresh Kumar on Tuesday said a show-cause notice would be issued to the Gulbarga City Corporation for violating provisions of the Karnataka Municipal Corporation (KMC) Act by not holding general body meetings regularly and other failures.

He was responding to Gulbarga South MLA Chandrasekhar Patil Revoor’s statement that the corporation was not holding general body meetings every month, at a review meeting here.

Mr. Kumar expressed his displeasure over the failure of the corporation to hold general body meetings regularly and reports of changes made in the minutes of general body meetings.

Resource mobilisation

Show-cause notice would be issued to the corporation for its lethargic approach in taking up development works and for low resource mobilisation.

Officials clarified that property tax dues in the city was not Rs. 83 crore as being claimed by elected representatives. Stressing the need for better resource mobilisation, Mr. Suresh Kumar said that the Gulbarga City Corporation should emulate the Davangere City Corporation in mobilise resources with the help of self-help groups (SHGs).

“In Davanagere, the corporation authorities had collected Rs. 40 lakh by way of trade licence fee with the help of SHGs.”

Earlier, the Minister, accompanied by senior officials, went around the city inspecting various development projects taken up by the city corporation, and said that the progress of works was slow. “Quality should be given priority while executing the projects,” he said.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 09 December 2009 05:21