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General Administration

Contractors to be asked to repair roads

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The Hindu              12.07.2013

Contractors to be asked to repair roads

Staff Reporter

Contactors who had repaired city roads which have been damaged in the rain recently will be asked to restore the roads at their own expense.

The Corporation Council, which met here on Thursday, decided to ask the State government to look into the construction of damaged roads, which had been repaired by various agencies, including the Public Works Department.

At the meeting, several councillors raised the issue of damaged roads and complained that these roads were re-laid hardly a few months ago.

In his reply, Kochi Mayor Tony Chammany said city roads were repaired with a guarantee of one year. Besides city roads, the ones built by the National Highway authorities in the city have also been damaged. Mr. Chammany said similar complaints were reported from various parts of the State. The Works Standing Committee of the corporation should look into city roads that were repaired using government funds and the contractors responsible should be asked to repair them, he said. Regarding other roads that run through the city, the Corporation Council would write to the agencies concerned, he said. Councillors K.J. Jacob, K.N. Sunilkumar, M. Anilkumar, Sohan Antony, N.A. Shafeek and M.P. Maheshkumar raised issue of damaged roads.


GHMC removes 1,300 tonnes of debris from crash site

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The Times of India              11.07.2013

GHMC removes 1,300 tonnes of debris from crash site

HYDERABAD: The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) has lifted 1,300 tonnes of debris from the City Light Hotel crash site in a nearly 60-hour operation. The last truck carrying the rubble left the site on Wednesday night. Seventeen people died and nearly 25 suffered injuries when the decades-old building collapsed on Monday morning.

"The sanitation workers lifted and transported approximately 1,300 tonnes of debris and around five tonnes of iron scrap from the crash site. The debris was dumped at an open area belonging to HMDA on Necklace Road," GHMC zonal commissioner (North Zone) S Harikrishna told TOI.

Meanwhile, the Mahankali police released images of four unidentified bodies.

"On Wednesday, we put up posters with photos of the four at the accident spot and also on the walls of nearby shops. The bodies have been preserved at the Gandhi Hospital mortuary. If any relatives claim, we will hand over the bodies after an enquiry," Mahankali inspector K Satyanarayana said.

Meanwhile, the GHMC continued its demolition drive for the third consecutive day.

Demolition squads razed to the ground 50 properties, including residential and commercial ones. In circle no.1 (Kapra), the GHMC officials pulled down 13 properties.

Likewise demolitions were carried out in circle 4 (9 properties), five properties each in circles 6 and 10, four structures in circle 18, three in circle 16, two properties each in circles 3, 5 and 11 and one property each in circles 7, 8 and 9 in the city.

In a related development, labour commissioner A Ashok has given compensation cheques to the kith and kin of two victims - Kiran Kumar (Biryani master) and Ramesh (adda worker) - on Wednesday.


Mayor inspects Old City, orders cleanliness drive

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The Times of India              11.07.2013

Mayor inspects Old City, orders cleanliness drive

ALLAHABAD: Mayor Abhilasha Gupta on Wednesday inspected Harimasjid, Khwajamasjid, Wasiabadmasjid, Munnamasjid, Rasoolpur Bari masjid, Alnoormasjid and RambaghEidgah areas and asked Allahabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) officials to make elaborate arrangements for the holy month of Ramzan.

She ordered that dug up roads near Kotwali Hari masjid be repaired at the earliest as it was affecting commuting. She also took the officials to task for waterlogging on nearby roads and silt at Thatheri bazar and Shahganj. Locals told the mayor that choked sewer line at Thatheri bazar had led to waterlogging. The mayor also found a few manhole covers broken in Shahganj.

During the inspection, people living near Rasoolpur store pointed towards heap of garbage in the area and told mayor that owing to lack of cleaning, threat of epidemic loomed large over the area. Insanitary conditions were also found near Khwaja masjid area. Locals accused sanitation inspector of laxity and said that waterlogging and overflowing drains were a common sight.

Silt-filled drains and garbage were found littered in Old City areas. Locals told the mayor that despite repeated complaints garbage had not been removed from the area. Expressing anger over the prevailing conditions, the mayor directed officials to take up cleanliness projects on priority basis.

She also ordered that drains be cleaned and broken one rectified or repaired. She also ordered that broken manhole covered be replaced. The mayor also recommended action against erring sanitary inspector and sanitary nayak.


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