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General Administration

Lucknow Municipal Corporation to remove illegal hoardings

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The Times of India             21.06.2013

Lucknow Municipal Corporation to remove illegal hoardings

LUCKNOW: The Lucknow Municipal Corporation (LMC) would conduct a city-wide drive to remove illegal advertisements and hoardings. Cases would be lodged against the agencies concerned under 'Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act' in local police stations. Municipal commissioner RK Singh said that one may find many illegal hoardings and posters on public properties like sign boards, police booths, traffic lights, public buildings, flyovers etc which are causing damage to the property. For instance, posters on electric poles cause untimely rusting and on road dividers increase accident risks. "To avoid this, immediate action is needed to check these activities," he added.

He expressed concern for damage done to the walls and streets of Hazratganj because of putting posters on them.


Court orders removal of encroachments

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The Times of India             21.06.2013

Court orders removal of encroachments

KANPUR: The permanent lok adalat of Kanpur on Thursday ordered deputy municipal commissioner to remove encroachments from the gate of complainant Vinod Gupta and make arrangements for regular sanitation there.

Vinod Gupta, a resident of Nayaganj had alleged that there were shopkeepers in his neighbourhood. In a bid to enhance their business they had encroached the drain as a result, sanitation work could not take place there. During showers, waterlogging takes place and the water of the overflowing drain enters his house. He often feels difficulty in entering his house. Lok adalat president GC Awasthi and member Rakesh Bhargava directed to municipal corporation to remove encroachments and make arrangements for regular sanitation at that place. 


Margao Municipal Council gives contractors 10 days to complete work

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The Times of India             21.06.2013

Margao Municipal Council gives contractors 10 days to complete work

MARGAO: In the face of mounting pressure for its failure to carry out timely pre-monsoon works which has resulted in the flooding of several areas across Margao, Margao Municipal Council (MMC) chief officer Deepali Naik has given contractors a 10-day deadline to complete all remaining work.

"We will be conducting surprise checks to see if the pre-monsoon work carried out by the contractors has been completed and properly and have identified areas which needed immediate work and directions have been issued in that regard," said Naik "We will not only blacklist contractors who have failed to meet deadlines but they won't be given any work for the next three years," said Naik while stating that the MMC was very serious in tackling the issue.


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