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General Administration

Surat Municipal Corporation to acquire land for public utility facilities

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The Times of India              24.05.2013

Surat Municipal Corporation to acquire land for public utility facilities

SURAT: Following the refusal of plot owners, standing committee of Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) took a decision to acquire 1.61 lakh sq meters of land for the construction of Sports complex, Water distribution center and a garden in Dumas area of the city.

This is for the first time that committee has taken a decision to adopt confrontationist approach in taking possession of the land put under reservation .

" After discussions with land owners in question as we have not received approval from them we decided to acquire this land as some public utility facilities need to come up in that part of the city." Said Praful Panseriya in-charge Chairman, standing committee.

"The land owners would be paid compensation of their land according to the government terms," he said.

The reservations for construction of public utility facility like Water distribution center, sports complex and Garden were put on different chunks of land located at Dumas in 1997 Development plan of Surat Urban Development authority (SUDA).

In 2004, under the revised plan and map of SUDA, proposal was placed on record. SMC needed to acquire the land before 10 year period and so this decision was finally taken despite possibility of confrontation.

The proposal is for construction of sports complex on 63,614 sq meters, 66,357 sq meters for garden and 319 sq meters for water distribution center on different chunks of land in different part of Dumas.


VMC seizes, destroys 1,700 kg mangoes

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The Indian Express                 24.05.2013

VMC seizes, destroys 1,700 kg mangoes

The health department officials of the Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) on Thursday seized and destroyed 1,700 kilogram mangoes for using calcium carbide to ripen them, which is prohibited under law.

The officials said calcium carbide was used widely to ripen mangoes. It was an offence under the provisions of the Food Safety and Standard Act, 2006, they said. Already, several thousand kilograms of such mangoes have been seized and destroyed, mostly from Kharderao Market, a major fruit and vegetable market in the city.

This is only the latest in a series of raids conducted by the health department officials since mangoes started hitting the market. On Monday, under similar raid, the officials destroyed 1,300 kg of mangoes for the same reason. Last week, the officials had destroyed 2,450 kilograms of mango juice and 1,250 kilograms of mangoes for using calcium carbide, officials said.

Homeless families spending sleepless nights get succour at neighbours' house

The families that evacuated the four-storey building last week in Vadodara have been spending sleepless nights.

One Deepak Darji, a young photographer, said he had not slept properly since the last one week after the building where he lived caved in last Thursday, forcing him to evacuate, along with 15 other families that lived there.

As Darji watched the building being taken down, people rendered homeless said they were surviving on help received from neighbours and others who offered them shelter, food and money as donation for their new building, even as government officials and local politicians have so far stayed away.

"I stay out for the whole day and go to sleep at a neighbour's house at night. Neighbours give us food to eat, place to sleep. We have not yet decided where we should be living," he said.

Kamini Shah, another resident, said her family of six, including two elderly people, are temporarily staying at the house of their neighbour, as she guards belongings heaped outside for want of space in the house. "Two days ago, thieves made away with a juicer-grinder from the heap at night. I can't leave the belongings as our belongings are not safe here. We are trying to find a house on rent but it is not easy," she said.

Ramesh Shah, 70, said he was trying to find an old-age home to stay as the retired teacher lived alone. Anil Kale, who had lived there since last 12 years along with eight family members, said a neighbour house had given them temporary shelter.

Close roads around PMC, proposes security officer

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The Indian Express                 24.05.2013

Close roads around PMC, proposes security officer

Perceiving a 'terror' threat, the security department of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has suggested the closure of two roads to general traffic around the main building of the civic body.

The space thus freed could be used to augment parking needs of the civic body, as suggested by the additional municipal commissioner in a report.

The proposal made by the chief security officer of the PMC would be placed before the Standing Committee.

One of the roads run in front of the building and the other from west to east along the building. The security officer said these roads could be used by terrorists to carry out attacks on the building. The road that runs from west to east connects the main Congress House Road to various areas of Shivajinagar Gaothan.

The additional municipal commissioner, in his report about a proposal to increase parking space around the the PMC building, stated that in order to cater to growing parking needs of the civic body, a multi-level parking should be constructed.

The report stated that at present, the main building can accommodate 160 four-wheelers, 656 two-wheelers and 180 bicycles. According to the newly passed development control rules, a building that has the dimensions of the civic headquarters building should cater to parking of 617 four-wheelers, 3,085 two-wheelers and 617 bicycles. The additional municipal commissioner, in his report stated that given the security threat to the building, the security chief of PMC has suggested construction of a mechanized parking for the PMC.


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