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General Administration

Efforts on to tap solar energy

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The Hindu                     05.04.2013

Efforts on to tap solar energy

G.V.R. Subba Rao

The State can join the league of pioneers of solar energy in the country if its efforts to install 1,000 MW solar energy plants are fruitful within a year.

Solar energy is likely to be available at a price of Rs.8 to Rs.8.50 per unit. The Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC), Solar Energy Society of India and NREDCAP jointly organised a seminar on ‘Developing Vijayawada as a solar city’ here on Wednesday.

On the sidelines of the seminar, former advisor to Government of India (MNRE) E.V.R. Sastry said: “My estimate is that the State has a potential to install 10,000 MW solar power plants in the next 15 years.” Gujarat is marching ahead of others in the country.

Even before the Central government announced the National Solar Mission, solar energy was being generated in Gujarat. Gujarat has solar power units generating 824 MW, and Rajasthan stands in second place with 440 MW. Andhra Pradesh has a 22.4 MW solar energy plant while Maharashtra has 24.2 MW, he explained.

Of course, the climatic conditions matter. Gujarat and Rajasthan have dry weather conditions and solar radiation is high compared to Andhra Pradesh.

In our State, Rayalaseema region has good potential to tap solar energy. Ranga Reddy, Medak, Nalgonda are some of the districts suitable for solar power plants while Krishna district is not that suitable, he opined.

The State government has received bids close to 200 for the installation of solar energy plants across the State. The bidders have quoted prices ranging between Rs.6.50 per unit to Rs.12 per unit.

The bids hovered in the range of Rs.6.50- Rs.8.50-Rs.10 and Rs.12. As per the conditions, the government has to consider the lowest bidder.

The tenders are likely to be finalised shortly and the plants will be commissioned within a year, he said. Now, the question before the government is:

What if the lowest bid is high compared to bids in other places? For instance, if the bid is Rs.9 per unit in a place X, which is quite high compared to Rs.6.50 in place Y. To tide over it, the government is chalking out a benchmark price for purchasing solar power generated in the State, he added.

The government has received bids close to 200 for the installation of solar energy plants across the State.


Water Board to get tough with defaulters

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The Hindu                     05.04.2013

Water Board to get tough with defaulters

The Water Board has decided to invoke Revenue Recovery Act to realise its arrears. It has already served 300 ‘red notices’ to chronic defaulters and if they fail to respond, they would be proceeded against under the RRA. The matter has been referred to Chief Commissioner of Land Administration (CCLA) and the Board is awaiting the government’s nod to go ahead.

However, till then it plans to take the help of district Collectors of Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy to recover the dues under RRA. The Act empowers attachment of mobile and immobile properties of the defaulters. The Board has taken recourse to this stern measure in view of its mounting dues. However, even before the Act is imposed in its totality, the red notices are proving effective in bringing in the revenue.

For the first time in its history, the Board is able to cross the barrier of 4 lakh paid CANS (Consumer Account Numbers). In March, a record 4.04 lakh consumers out of 8 lakh paid their bills pushing the Board’s monthly revenue to Rs. 53 crore. The last highest number of consumers who paid bills in a month are 3.82 lakh. The Board aims at netting an average monthly revenue of Rs. 60 crore by raising the number of paid CANS per month to 4.3 lakh.

New managers

“Achieving this target will be easy with the recruitment of 90 new managers soon. They have been selected through APPSC,” said J. Syamala Rao, managing director, HMWSSB.

The Board has identified 1,632 consumers who owe more than Rs. 1 lakh in arrears. The Board is in the process of compiling a list of 20 such defaulters in each division for forwarding to the district Collectors for recovery of dues under RRA.

This apart, the Board is now more worried about its rising power bill. With the latest hike in power tariff, the Board’s power bill is expected to jump from Rs. 34 crore to Rs. 48 crore a month. This figure may go up further when the Board starts pumping water in the days to come as the falling water level in reservoirs makes drawal by gravity impossible. When the power tariff was last revised on December 1, 2011, the Board was paying Rs. 24 crore per month.

Interestingly, the Board itself owes a whopping Rs. 180 crore towards power bill arrears. But right now it is able to pay only the current month bills. All these issues are proposed to be discussed in the next Board meeting and also taken up with the Municipal Administration Minister, it is said.


Water crisis: control room opened

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The Hindu                     05.04.2013

Water crisis: control room opened

Staff Reporter

A control room has been opened at the collectorate complex for dealing with complaints relating to drinking water supply problems, District Collector P.G. Thomas has said.

The control room can be contacted on the toll-free number 1077 or 0474-2794002. Calling upon the people to make use of the facility in case the need arose, Mr. Thomas said the facility had been opened in view of the severe drinking water problem in the district.

Meanwhile, Labour Minister Shibu Baby John issued directions to the district administration to take appropriate steps for addressing the situation. Presiding over a meeting called to review the situation on Thursday at the collectorate conference hall, the Minister said that sufficient funds would be made available to meet the situation. Adequate number of tanker lorries should be pressed into service to supply water wherever needed. Water sources such as tube wells, ponds, and wells that needed renovation should be done on a war footing, he said. Water supply should not be hit on account of technical reasons, he said.


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