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General Administration

HC says no sealing for house tax, MC says order ‘recently came to our notice’

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The Indian Express                        30.03.2013

HC says no sealing for house tax, MC says order ‘recently came to our notice’

Zones B and D continue with their sealing drive.

While the Punjab and Haryana High Court has clearly instructed the Municipal Corporation not to seal the buildings whose owners fail to pay house tax, the Ludhiana MC is least bothered about the orders as zones B and D are continuing with their sealing drive.

According to the MC headquarters record book, more than 160 properties have been sealed in March due to the failure to pay house tax, and all of them are in zones B and D.

While Neeraj Jain is house tax wing superintendent of Zone B, the department is headed by Hartej Singh in Zone D.

What explains this action of MC, according to officials, is the usage of phrase "attachment of property" which they say is not 'sealing'.

RTI activist Ravi Sharma, who had filed an application in this regard, got a reply from MC saying that "sealing is not a provision for getting the house tax deposited by any official". The reply was from zone B.

A source from MC office said, "Sealing is no provision for collecting house tax. After attachment of property, if the owner fails to pay house tax, property can be auctioned."

He added that "to avoid hassles and adopt an easy path, sealing is done which is easy as compared to lengthy procedure of attachment".

So far, as many as 90 shops have been sealed in Zone B and 72 shops have been sealed in Zone D.

Officials of the house tax wing are also under pressure to achieve their targets before the financial year ends on March 31.

The High Court order of August last year states, "The action which can be taken for recovery of house tax as given in Section 138 of Punjab Municipal Corporation Act, 1976, do not authorize sealing of the property due to non-payment of house tax or recovery of house tax". Justice Ranjit Singh had delivered this judgment while hearing a petition against Punjab.

Congress councillor Gurpreet Gogi said, "SAD-BJP government has actually formed a habit of not following any orders of High Court. They should give an answer as to under which provision buildings are being sealed."

MC Commissioner R K Verma was not available for comment.

However, MC secretary Hartej Singh said, "Property can be auctioned but the MC Act is silent on the issue of sealing. High Court order has recently come to our notice and we will take care of it now."


BBMP seeks ban on Chinese manja

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The New Indian Express                  30.03.2013

BBMP seeks ban on Chinese manja


BMC proposes, tree panel disposes

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The Indian Express                     29.03.2013

BMC proposes, tree panel disposes

BMC's proposal to appoint Pune-based company, Lotus Environment, to conduct tree census in the city was Thursday shot down by the Tree Authority Committee. The Pune-based company was earlier blacklisted by the Pune Municipal Corporation for failing to fulfil its contract with it.

"While three companies were shortlisted for the project, the lowest bidder was Lotus Environment. As we have not received any formal intimation from the Pune Municipal Corporation of blacklistng this company, we had planned to go ahead with the proposal," said K R Yadav, Superintendent of Gardens and Tree department.

The civic body's tree census programme, which was expected to begin in July last year had run into trouble last year for the lack of enough bids. Finally, the bidding process saw three companies bid for Rs 6-crore project.

Since the bidding process was opened in October, contractors have cried foul saying the civic body reserved the Rs 6-crore tree census project to a single company. "Most of the other bidders were rejected on technical grounds. They put conditions in the tender to include only companies that have prior experience in conducting tree census with GPS, and those that conduct carbon sequestration," the owner of a company who wanted to bid for the project said.

Using GPS technology, the civic body hopes to bring more transparency in recording the city's green cover, say officials. "We have rejected the proposal for tree census as the company which was supposed to conduct the census has been blacklisted by the Pune Municipal Corporation for failing to complete the project on several counts," said Shubha Raul, Tree Committee member and Shiv Sena corporator. While the civic administration is planning to call for new tenders, its ambitious project to conduct tree census and find solutions for the dwindling green cover is once again getting delayed.

BMC's proposal to appoint Pune-based company, Lotus Environment, to conduct tree census in the city was Thursday shot down by the Tree Authority Committee. The Pune-based company was earlier blacklisted by the Pune Municipal Corporation for failing to fulfil its contract with it.

"While three companies were shortlisted for the project, the lowest bidder was Lotus Environment. As we have not received any formal intimation from the Pune Municipal Corporation of blacklistng this company, we had planned to go ahead with the proposal," said K R Yadav, Superintendent of Gardens and Tree department.

The civic body's tree census programme, which was expected to begin in July last year had run into trouble last year for the lack of enough bids. Finally, the bidding process saw three companies bid for Rs 6-crore project.

Since the bidding process was opened in October, contractors have cried foul saying the civic body reserved the Rs 6-crore tree census project to a single company. "Most of the other bidders were rejected on technical grounds. They put conditions in the tender to include only companies that have prior experience in conducting tree census with GPS, and those that conduct carbon sequestration," the owner of a company who wanted to bid for the project said.

Using GPS technology, the civic body hopes to bring more transparency in recording the city's green cover, say officials. "We have rejected the proposal for tree census as the company which was supposed to conduct the census has been blacklisted by the Pune Municipal Corporation for failing to complete the project on several counts," said Shubha Raul, Tree Committee member and Shiv Sena corporator. While the civic administration is planning to call for new tenders, its ambitious project to conduct tree census and find solutions for the dwindling green cover is once again getting delayed.

Last Updated on Saturday, 30 March 2013 12:28

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