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General Administration

Corporation lukewarm towards Aiyyankali employment scheme

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The Hindu   08.08.2012

Corporation lukewarm towards Aiyyankali employment scheme

Sangeetha Unnithan

Project has been drawn up on the lines of MGNREGS

The Aiyyankali Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme, drawn up by the previous LDF government on the lines of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNEGS), is not even in the sphere of discussion of the Corporation which is busy giving finishing touches to the People’s Plan project and the perspective plan for the next five years.

This State-funded project is aimed at providing 100 days of guaranteed unskilled manual work to the unemployed members of urban households.

While the Corporation maintains that the State government’s delay in sanctioning of funds for the scheme has pushed the project in the backburner, government officials say the civic body has been sanctioned Rs.5 lakh for the project way back in March.

“An amount of Rs.5 lakh has been transferred to the Corporation for the Aiyyankali project, and two data entry operators and an overseer have also been appointed exclusively for the project. However, the Corporation is yet to start any work on the scheme. The staff deployed for the scheme has also been re-deployed for other work,’’ an official with the Commissionerate of Rural Development says.

The worst affected by this delay are hundreds of MGNREGS workers from the five panchayats that were integrated with the Corporation in 2010. Since their panchayats have now become Corporation wards, they can no more avail themselves of the benefit of MGNREGS, the official says.

Corporation officials also say the amount sanctioned by the government is only meant to meet the administrative expenses for carrying out the preliminary works on the project. The local body claims to have already begun the administrative work with the money.

“The amount of Rs.5 lakh is just a token amount. It is too meagre to take up any project under the employment guarantee scheme. It will only be sufficient for making the preliminary preparations for the implementation of the project. We have already started preparing the labour budget estimates for works that could be taken up under the scheme. Soon after Onam, we will start the labour registration process,” says Corporation works standing committee chairman V.S. Padmakumar.

Corporation welfare standing committee chairperson Palayam Rajan says the reason why the civic body is reluctant to go ahead with the project is that it will become obliged to provide work to scheme beneficiaries within a stipulated period once job cards are issued.

“The fact is that the State government itself has crippled this ambitious project. Unless they sanction the fund how can we go ahead with issuing job cards. Apart from a token amount, there is no provision for this scheme even in the State budget,’’ Mr. Rajan says.

Mr. Padmakumar, however, says the Corporation is planning to prepare a detailed project linking the Aiyyankali Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme with the solid waste management in the city and submit it to the Central Government for funding.

“There is a lot of scope for this scheme with regard to sanitation and solid waste management. Workers can be deployed for our various decentralised garbage treatment schemes and also for cleaning up canals, drains and ponds in the city. We are confident that we will be able to evolve Aiyyankali scheme into a feasible sanitation and garbage management project and ensure the involvement of people in the city by providing them jobs through these projects,’’ he says.

  • It aims to provide 100 days of work to unemployed urban people
  • Rs.5 lakh has been transferred to the Corporation for the project
Last Updated on Wednesday, 08 August 2012 07:15

PMC decides to return Karnataka govt award

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The Indian Express   07.08.2012

PMC decides to return Karnataka govt award

Extending support to elected representatives of Belgaum Municipal Corporation after its general body was dissolved by the Karnataka government, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) on Monday decided to return the award that it had received from the Karnataka government for its good work in solid waste management.

“The PMC had participated in an international conference and was given the award for excellence in solid waste management out of 200 entries. However, all parties have decided to return the award to Mysore Municipal Corporation and the Karnataka government,” said Mayor Vaishali Bankar.

A PMC staff had received the award on behalf of the civic body and the administration wanted to hand it over it to the mayor.“The decision to return the award was unanimous. I will write to the organisers pointing out the injustice meted out to the elected representatives of Belgaum Municipal Corporation,” Bankar said.

A team of the suspended general body of Belgaum Municipal Corporation had recently visited the PMC and sought support of political parties over the alleged injustice meted out to them by the Karnataka government.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 August 2012 11:17

BMC efficiency affected as crucial depts headless

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The Indian Express   07.08.2012

BMC efficiency affected as crucial depts headless

Lack of leadership in crucial departments of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) seems to have adversely affected its efficiency and quality of service.

Over a dozen important posts in various departments of the BMC including road, solid waste management, tax and collection, IT and education, are being held by officials as an additional charge.

A BMC official said over one-third of posts at Grade One level, including higher technical and administrative posts, are either being held by officials who are temporarily ‘in-charge’ or those handling other portfolios.

Grade One level posts include chief engineers of a department, deputy chief engineers, deputy municipal commissioners, assistant municipal commissioners and municipal commissioner.

With the BMC facing flak over potholed roads and poor garbage collection services, standing committee chairman and Shiv Sena corporator, Rahul Shewale said, “The departments are being headed by junior officials who do not have the required skills. Also, contractors are a difficult lot to handle and there is need for dynamic heads.”

S G Chitale is handling the post of chief engineer of solid waste management (SWC) of BMC. Chitale was appointed in-charge in June. Interestingly, the old waste collection contracts expired during the same month, with the department forced to handle errant contractors.

The road department is handled by a deputy chief engineer, as the chief engineer ‘in-charge’ is on leave for two months, after which he is expected to opt for voluntary retirement. The department is handled by the deputy chief engineer (road department) of western suburbs. Additional Municipal Commissioner Mohan Adtani said, “The deputy engineers are academically capable. They might lack experience. Due to technical or legal difficulties they are given these posts on a temporary basis".

While the stormwater department, which handles the Rs-3,900 crore BRIMSTOWAD project to replace all old stormwater drains in the city, is headed by L S Vhatkar, who has two additional charges as the deputy municipal commissioner in-charge of Environment & Engineering department and as Director of Engineering Services.

The chief officer of Disaster Management Cell, a crucial agency during the monsoon, is also handling the charge of head of department of Information Technology Department.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 August 2012 11:12

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