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General Administration

BBMP Wants to Give Hospitals in Adoption

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The New Indian Express               17.01.2013

BBMP Wants to Give Hospitals in Adoption

Health and Family Welfare Minister U T Khader said 10 new Primary Health Centres (PHCs) will be set up in the city and the existing 70 PHCs will be upgraded to  cater to the health needs of urban poor.

He was speaking at a  programme organised to sensitise BBMP corporators on National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) programme here on Monday. 

Khader said 1,199 ASHA workers will be appointed in the city.

He said five districts, including Bangalore, Mangalore and Mysore have been selected for NUHM pilot project and the government has sanctioned `133 crore for this purpose. In the first phase,  `50.82 crore has been released.

“BBMP will get `25.82 crore. The Corporators have to utilise this scheme to cater to the health needs of the poor. One PHC will be set up for 50,000 people and six high-tech labs will be added. There will be six mobile kiosks with drugs and the doctors will cater to most backward areas and slums. To each PHC, a grant of 3.12 lakh will be given towards the procurement of drugs.”

Mayor B S Sathyanarayana said the BBMP is facing a financial crisis and plans to give its hospitals under PPP model. The BBMP is also planning to rope in medical college hospitals and invite IT, BT firms and educational institutions to adopt hospitals for greater community participation, the Mayor added.

Memorandum Submitted     

Following the dismissal and  suspension of doctors involved in an alleged negligent case in which three-year-old girl Mariyam Kausar was left with neurological condition and is still unconscious,  the employees of Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Trauma and Orthopedics Hospital submitted a memorandum to Health Minister U T Khader stating that they are scared to treat patients as the patients will show violent and negative reaction.

He also said that the Health Department is waiting for a report of the inquiry committee. He asked them not to worry about this.


NDMC signs integrity pact with transparency body

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The Hindu               17.01.2013

NDMC signs integrity pact with transparency body

Staff Reporter

The New Delhi Municipal Council on Thursday signed an integrity pact with Transparency International India (TII) to usher in a new era in the history of municipal administration by committing to maintain high standards.

NDMC Chairman Jalaj Shrivastva and TII Chairman S. K. Agarwal signed on behalf of their respective organisations.

Mr. Shrivastava exuded hope the NDMC will set an example to other municipal bodies by adopting the guidelines and ethical practices laid down in the MOU.


Water woes: MCC might start disconnection drive

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Deccan Herald              14.01.2013

Water woes: MCC might start disconnection drive

sea of files: Mysore City Corporation Finance Standing Committee member Shaukath Pasha, President B L Bhyrappa and member Manjunath during an inspection at Vani Vilas Water Works office, V V Mohalla, in Mysore, on Monday. DH Photo

Several issues regarding collection of water bills were highlighted during an inspection visit of Vani Vilas Water Works (VVWW) conducted by the Finance Standing Committee of Mysore City Corporation (MCC), here on Monday.

Among the prominent issues, were some localities within MCC refusing to pay water bills, Jamshedpur Urban Supplies and Utilities Company (JUSCO) seeking a revision in a rate paid for them to collect water bills, and documentation.

It can be recalled that water bills to the tune of a whopping Rs 83 crore have been kept pending. MCC, in the brink of a financial crisis, recently launched a drive to recover the pending water bills.

President of Finance Standing Committee, B L Bhyrappa said that JUSCO has faced issues in collecting water bills in parts of the city, and are faced by hostile consumers who refuse to pay bills. “There are regions in MCC limits where water bills have not been collected from the past 20 years. JUSCO has not been able to collect bills at Vijayanagar first stage, Vijayanagar second stage, Metagalli and others,” he said.

Of the Rs 83 crore kept pending, Rs 26 crore are from industries and customers who owe Re 1 lakh or more, he said.

A meeting will be convened with MCC Commissioner regarding the issue. A decision to invite the Managing Director of Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board to hold a meeting and sort out the issues of water supply and bill collection has also been taken, he said.

Executive Engineer of Vani Vilas Water Works, Rangaswamy said that the drive to collect water bills was already on. “We have served notices to consumers who have pending water bills of Rs one lakh or more. We have also issued a stern warning that if bills are not paid, a water disconnection drive will be launched,” he said.

Rate issues

Water bill collection was also hit as JUSCO was to collect water bills of 1,30,000 connections, as per the tender contract. However, since the number of actual connections was 50,000 more, JUSCO was paid fixed rates to collect bills from the extra houses. JUSCO had sought a revision in the rates paid to them.

Rangaswamy said that all the issues regarding rates payable to JUSCO has been sorted out and it would continue the process of collecting bills soon.

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