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General Administration

Only 65 p.c. BPS applications disposed of

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The Hindu      16.11.2010

Only 65 p.c. BPS applications disposed of

Staff Reporter

The municipal corporation has received a total of 15,826 applications under the scheme

VIJAYAWADA: The Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) could dispose of only 65 per cent of the applications received under the Building Penalisation Scheme (BPS) till Monday, when the scheme came to a close.

The Corporation received a total of 15,826 applications and a penal amount of about Rs. 45 crore under the scheme. The Corporation then estimated that it would net about Rs. 100 crore. The officials, in January 2008, printed 10,000 application forms. Surpassing their expectations, owners of buildings submitted applications in large numbers, and the total touched 15,826. The Corporation received Rs.1.06 crore on Monday, which was announced as the last day for submission of all necessary documents, taking the total amount received under the scheme to Rs. 45 crore.

The BPS has taken many turns as people knocked on the doors of the High Court, and the Government modified a few clauses in the scheme that was introduced in 2007. The BPS came into force in the city in 2008, and the State government fixed February 2008 as the deadline for submission of applications.

The hopes of the VMC to rake in good revenues through the scheme were shattered at a point of time as there was little response from the people. It hardly received Rs. 2 crore after the High Court pronounced its verdict on the case filed against the scheme a year ago. It was much less than the Rs.70-crore target that the VMC officials had set for themselves.

The BPS turned out to be an ordeal for the general public. The applicants raised a hue and cry over what they called “sordid state of affairs” in the Town Planning wing of the Corporation. The applicants expressed the view that the Corporation officials were looking at BPS as a “money spinner”. The people were angry as the officials at the time of submission of applications told them that the penal amount would be around Rs. 12,000, but in some cases it was jacked up to more than Rs. 88,000.

The Corporation already announced that any construction not regularised under the BPS before November 15 would be levied an excess property tax of 25 per cent.


Mayor sets Dec 31 deadline for Kanha Upvan

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The Times of India              15.11.2010

Mayor sets Dec 31 deadline for Kanha Upvan

LUCKNOW: Desperate to get his dream project, Kanha Upvan, in a workable stage, mayor Dinesh Sharma got four stray cattle put at the Upvan on Sunday. It was only in August this year that the first citizen had got the project dedicated to the public.

Sharma, however, was not amused at the progress of the project as it was yet to have a `sarovar' for the birds as well as a hospital for the animals. What further left the mayor fuming was the apathy of municipal officials shown towards his visit. He could not find even a single chair for his staff as well as a host of press reporters who accompanied him. So, it was chief engineer of Lucknow Municipal Corporation (LMC) who finally faced the music as the mayor pulled him up for gross mismanagement.

Incidentally, Sharma is to complete his four-year term as Lucknow mayor, later this month, and Kanha Upvan, which happens to be the most prestigious project initiated by him to address the problem of stray animals in the city, is still a non-starter.

The mayor thus set a deadline of December 31 for the municipal officials to see to it that the project finally gets completed. He said that the problem of stray animals would be resolved once construction of Kanha Upvan gets completed.

Sharma informed that LMC was in the process of procuring two hydraulic powered vehicles for catching stray bulls and the dogs. For the record, the municipality does not have any arrangements for the stray bulls. As for the dogs, they have just one fully trained person to nab the canine. Of course, that is not enough for the city which has an estimated population of over 40,000 stray dogs, who often attack commuters. In the recent past only, there have been two incidents where stray dogs attacked students in the school premises, resulting in an exhaustive drive by LMC. The drive, ironically, lost momentum after some time.

The opening of Kanha Upvan -- albeit officially -- is set to put to test LMC will in addressing the problem of stray animals in the city. A senior municipal official said that a private agency would be roped in for running and maintaining the facility. A Triveni Nagar based animal welfare organisation has been shortlisted.

Kanha Upvan was conceptualised in 2006 itself, soon after Sharma got elected as Lucknow mayor. Initially, proposed to sprawl over an area of 150 acre, the facility as of now has been established over an area of around 50 acre only. Besides, having arrangement for the stray cattle, the Upvan would have space for the dogs, bulls/ox and even pigs. A small bird sanctuary around a lake is also proposed.


Thane civic body bans cultural activities in Dadoji stadium

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Indian Express  11.11.2010

Thane civic body bans cultural activities in Dadoji stadium

Taking strong objection against the use of Dadoji Konddev stadium in Thane for cultural events, Thane Municipal Corporation (TMC) Commissioner R A Rajeev has decided not to allow the stadium for any other activities other than sports.

The decision has been taken after officials and sportsmen had complained that little time was given for sports activities in the stadium. According to them, it becomes problematic for the TMC officials to deny permission as almost all cultural programmes have the support of some political party.

“As per the order, the stadium won’t be given for any commercial activity,” said Sandeep Malvi, officer-in-charge of the stadium. The stadium, according to TMC, will be upgraded to international level and more facilities will be made available there.

“Whenever the stadium is closed for cultural activities, the players go as far as Priyadarshini Park in Napean sea or Kandivili. The stadium doesn’t have synthetic tracks. During the cultural activities, the tracks are dug to erect tents because of which many players suffer injuries,” said Ajit Kulkarni who coaches athletes at the stadium. The stadium has facilities for badminton, cricket, table tennis and squash.

Last Updated on Thursday, 11 November 2010 11:22

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