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General Administration

Noida authority expedites projects on Expressway and underpasses

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Hindustan Times           05.12.2013 

Noida authority expedites projects on Expressway and underpasses

The Noida authority on Wednesday said that it has expedited the work on all pending infrastructure projects like Faridabad-Noida-Ghaziabad (FNG), two underpasses, and a multi-level parking lot among others.

The chief executive officer (CEO) Rama Raman of the authority on Wednesday  in ‘project review meet’ directed engineers to speed-up work on all projects, and improve functioning to dispose off public complaints on daily basis.

“CEO today has said that FNG is a very important project for realty sector as well as for residents, who are living around it. Therefore all the hurdles should be cleared to make way for early delivery of the FNG. He reviewed the progress of this project circle wise and resolved some of the issues,” said a senior authority official, requesting anonymity.

CEO directed concerned circle officers and engineers that they should promptly resolve all legal issues between farmers and the authority if possible.

The Rs. 1, 000 crore,  43 kilometers long Faridabad-Noida-Ghaziabad (FNG) expressway project has facing several hurdles as some farmers have refused to give their land to this project. Besides, some local land mafia has sold out FNG land to people, who have built housing on it.

“CEO directed that since FNG has to be built as soon as possible, resolve all such cases and complete FNG, which will improve connectivity between NCR towns- Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad,” said official.

The Noida authority planned- FNG passing through this land way back in 1989 and started work in 1993.

The authority had already completed work on 16 kilometers long stretch out of 21, which falls in Noida’s jurisdiction. The remaining part of FNG lies in Ghaziabad and Faridabad.  Since authority’s progress on this road stays very slow, the colonisers saw an opportunity and sold the expressway land illegally say officials.

SP Singh principal secretary of UP will review all infrastructure projects’ progress ahead on October 24 in Noida and on October 25 in Greater Noida.

“We are also preparing for principal secretary visit too,” said official.


Illegal structures: Nod for bill to extend deadline

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Deccan Herald           05.12.2013

Illegal structures: Nod for bill to extend deadline

The Legislative Assembly on Wednesday approved an ordinance-replacement bill, which seeks to extend the cut-off date for regularisation of unauthorised constructions, especially deviations in building bye-laws and floor area ratio in urban areas, including BBMP limits.

However, the Karnataka Town and Country Planning and certain other laws (Amendment) Bill, 2013 does not specify the new cut-off date. Instead, it empowers the government to fix the deadline for receiving applications under the proposed scheme. The old cut-off date was December 3, 2009.

The Bill was first passed in 2007 during the then JD(S)-BJP government. But it could not be implemented due to legal hurdles.

A revised Bill was passed in 2009, but Governor H R Bhardwaj did not give assent to it. The Governor, however, cleared it after the Congress came to power. As the cut-off date in the 2009 legislation was December 3, 2009, the government decided to extend it to a new date.
The day when the governor signs the ordinance is likely to be the new cut-off date.

According to existing rules, up to 25 per cent violation by residential buildings will attract a penalty of six per cent of the guidance value of the property and eight per cent penalty for violations between 25 and 50 per cent. The Bill is yet to be passed in the Council.

Illegal water connections to be regularised

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The Hindu              05.12.2013

Illegal water connections to be regularised

The government has approved the drive for regularisation of illegal water connections and simplification of procedure for new connections for 15 mm size pipes. Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, who chaired the meeting of the Water Board here on Wednesday, discussed various issues, projects and finances with the officials and approved the projects taken by the Board.

Mr. Reddy suggested a combined meeting of the GHMC, Water Board and other departments to improve the financial position of the Board.

Water Board managing director J. Saymala Rao explained the comfortable position of reservoirs and said presently 340 mgd water was being supplied in the city. The pending requests from outside GHMC area is 105.60 mgd.

The phase I of Godavari Drinking Water Supply Project would be completed by March 2014.

Of the total pipeline length of 186 km, so far 148 km was laid and the balance work was in progress.

The master balancing reservoir work would be commenced in a week and completed by December next.

However, alternate arrangement of small balancing reservoir was planned and it would be completed by June 2014, officials informed.

They further informed that phase III of the Krishna Drinking Water Supply project was progressing briskly and was likely to be completed by June 2014.

The Rs. 338.54 crore project for improvement of water supply to Malkajgiri municipality had been submitted to the World Bank and it was in the process of being cleared .

Similarly, proposals were submitted for JICA loan assistance of Rs. 1,041 crore to augment water supply and take up major infrastructure works in Alwal, Quthbullapur and Uppal municipal circles, it was informed.

The government directed the Water Board to take up head works component from the Sunkishala source of Nagarjunasagar to ensure stabilised supply for all the three phases of Krishna project.


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