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General Administration

Mysore City Corporation wakes up to poor show in water tax collection

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The Times of India           16.11.2013

Mysore City Corporation wakes up to poor show in water tax collection

MYSORE: Mysore City Corporation is targeting water tax defaulters to generate revenue.

Reason: the total dues have shot up to Rs 80.46 crore, and the civic body has been finding it hard to take up works and to pay the contractors. Of the Rs 80.46 crore dues, domestic consumers owe a lion's share of Rs 60 crore, while non-domestic ones owe Rs 9.31 crore. Surprisingly, city police also owe Rs 2.35 crore.

The MCC, besides issuing a directive to the defaulters to pay the dues, has also threatened to cut the water supply. The civic body's empowered taxation, finance and appeals standing committee has welcomed the move and asked the officials to follow it up. The dues have accumulated due to the alleged negligence of Vani Vilas Water Works (VVWW), the water-supplying arm of the civic body. "But the consumers should not be targetted. They should be given the option of paying in five instalments," panel chairman B L Bhyrappa told reporters on Thursday.

Non-issue of monthly water bills in many areas is part of the reason for the accumulation of the dues. "I had asked for a bill for my JP Nagar residence about a year ago. But I have not got it till now. This shows how negligent the officials are," he claimed.

Another reason for the mess is the decision to hand over bill collection to Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company (Jusco), a Tata enterprise, which is implementing Rs 194 crore remodelled water distribution network project, he said. "What VVWW was doing is now being handled by the Jusco. There is a lack of co-ordination between them, which has resulted in the problem," he added.

According to the figures released by Bhyrappa, Muda has Rs 7.31 crore dues till September-end. In all, the total number of defaulters is 1.08 lakh. Of them, a little over 1 lakh are domestic consumers, while 2,678 commercial users owe Rs 6.05 crore. As many as 208 industrial users have also defaulted to the tune of Rs 3.55 crore, while 4,723 non-domestic consumers owe Rs 9.31 crore.

Bhyrappa said that the railway authorities owe Rs 85.98 lakh, and Mysore Palace Board Rs 6.69 lakh.

Poor show

MCC has projected a revenue of Rs 417.44 crore this fiscal with water taxes being projected to fetch Rs 32.30 crore. However, VVWW has continued its track record of poor performance.

But the financial sheet presents a different story. During 2012-13, MCC expected VVWW to generate Rs 72.18 crore water taxes, and it was later revised to Rs 26.11 crore. VVWW could not give the desired results even after water consumers were waived of interest. This comes amidst impressive performance by the revenue department, which has posted over 90% of the projected target.

Last Updated on Saturday, 16 November 2013 10:25

Corporation invites tenders for streetlight maintenance

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The Times of India           16.11.2013

Corporation invites tenders for streetlight maintenance

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The city corporation has decided not to pay Rs25 lakh to the Kerala state electricity board (KSEB) for carrying out the maintenance of streetlights until the electricity board comes up with a proposal for maintenance. The civic body had invited tenders from private parties on November 8. Three parties have responded so far. The tenders will be accepted till Tuesday.

The civic body's decision to put aside the option to avail the service of the KSEB for streetlight maintenance comes in the wake of a demand raised by the electricity board to furnish a detailed list of streetlights installed in the 100 wards in the city corporation.

In response to a letter from corporation mayor K Chandrika for the conduct of temporary maintenance works, the KSEB had forwarded a questionnaire seeking the details on number of streetlights, electric posts and types of lights installed in the corporation. They had also sought to provide the numbers of functional and dysfunctional lights separately.

However, the works standing committee is yet to furnish a reply to this questionnaire reasoning that the KSEB is better informed about the details regarding the streetlights in the city than the city corporation. The electricity board has not prepared any separate proposal for the temporary maintenance of streetlights at a payment of Rs25 lakh either. "As of now we are not considering the option of KSEB carrying out streetlight maintenance for a pre-paid amount. We have called tenders and hopefully private parties could be roped in for the same," said V S Padmakumar, chairman, works standing committee.

Last Updated on Saturday, 16 November 2013 10:15

PMC seeks panel nod to skip tenders in buying goods from women groups

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The Indian Express           16.11.2013

PMC seeks panel nod to skip tenders in buying goods from women groups

To encourage women self-help groups, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has sought the approval of the standing committee for skipping tender process and directly buy goods worth less than Rs 3 lakh directly from these self-help groups.

In a proposal tabled in the standing committee, the civic administration said that the PMC has a policy of empowering women by promoting the sale of products prepared by women of self-help groups. In 2003, the PMC had passed a resolution to purchase products for office use from these self-help groups. With tender process a must for this purpose, this scheme could not be implemented in practice.

Products such as files, folders, school bags, brooms are used in civic offices in large numbers. These are also prepared by women self-help groups.

To avoid misuse of power while procuring goods from these groups, it has been mandatory to take a no objection certificate for the purchases from the central stores department of the PMC.


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