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AP to chart out master plan for optimum use of water

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Bussiness Line  12.10.2010

AP to chart out master plan for optimum use of water

The Irrigation Minister said the State Government has taken up the issue of inter-State water disputes with the Maharashtra Government and also with the Central Water Commission

Our Bureau

Hyderabad, Oct. 11

The Andhra Pradesh Government has initiated a process to chart out a master plan that seeks to optimise use of water from overflowing reservoirs by creating new bunds and dams to bring more areas under cultivation.

The State Major Irrigation Minister, Mr Ponnala Lakshmaiah, said the master plan currently under preparation will help us take up new projects. According to estimates, over 8,000 tmc of water has flown into the sea untapped by all the overflowing reservoirs in the State.

According to estimates, one tmc of water helps create about Rs 30 crore worth of foodgrains and half of this money flows into the kitty of the farmers.

Addressing a press conference here today, the Irrigation Minister said the State Government has taken up the issue of inter-State water disputes with the Maharashtra Government and also with the Central Water Commission (CWC). The idea is to seek the CWC mediation in resolving some of the pending issues, including the clearance for the mega Pranahitha-Chevella project.

The Pranahitha-Chevella project is currently locked in the issue of submergence of about 6,140 acres. Of this, about 5,247 acres are in Maharashtra. Efforts to bring them for deliberations to resolve the land submergence issue have not materialised as Maharashtra Government officials failed to turn up for the scheduled meetings.

Referring to the current south-west monsoon which resulted in 30 per cent excess rainfall in the State, the minister said all the reservoirs in the State had filled up and over 8,000 tmc has flown into the sea untapped. The Jalayagnam project is aimed at harnessing big chunk of this water that flows into the sea unused. This vindicates the State's investments into the irrigation sector, he said.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 12 October 2010 06:47