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Master plan for solar city project by February 15

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The Hindu       03.02.2011

Master plan for solar city project by February 15

Staff Reporter

Aim is to promote use of renewable energy

The Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) is preparing a master plan to turn the city into a solar city. The plan is likely to be ready by February 15. If the corporation succeeds in its endeavour, Vijayawada will be among the few cities in the country that would be called solar cities in the next five years.

The master plan will have a database of electricity consumption in the city and the estimated carbon emission levels. It would set a goal of a minimum of 10 per cent reduction in the projected total demand of conventional energy at the end of five years, to be achieved through energy saving by following energy efficiency measures and generation from renewable energy installations, officials say. The plan would be implemented by categorising the buildings into residential apartments, commercial complexes, industries, individual houses, corporate establishments and buildings of the VMC.

The solar city project is aimed at promoting the use of renewable energy and empowering urban local bodies to address energy challenges at the city level. The Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy would provide a grant of Rs. 10 lakh per annum to the VMC for implementing the project.

Under the project, street lights, energy used for water pumping and supply and maintenance of office lighting would be met through solar energy. This is expected to bring down the civic bodies' expenditure by 10 per cent. Besides, the Ministry had directed the cities selected for the implementation of the project to promote the use of non-conventional energy by private buildings, including apartments where solar energy could be adopted, for common lighting and water supply.

The corporation is preparing the plan following the Centre's sanction of Rs. 50 lakh for ‘Solar City' project. Of the Rs 50 lakh, the VMC is spending about Rs. 10 lakh each on preparation of the detailed project report, establishment of a solar energy cell and implementation of the project. The remaining Rs. 20 lakh would be spent on creating public awareness.

Vijayawada is one of the 16 cities identified under Rajiv Solar Energy Mission Project by the Central government. The project, for which the Centre has allocated over Rs. 30 crore with each city getting Rs. 50 lakh, is a part of the Eleventh Five Year Plan.

The SR Consultancy is preparing the master plan and the Corporation would prepare a detailed project report based on the master plan.

  • Master plan will have a database of electricity consumption in city
  • Union Ministry to provide a grant of Rs. 10 lakh per annum to the VMC for the project