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Samithi delegation to MUDA over master plan

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Deccan Herald 18.01.2010

Samithi delegation to MUDA over master plan
Mangalore, Jan 17, DHNS

The Nagarika Horata Samithi will take a delegation to the MUDA on January 18 to demand the authorities concerned to set right the master plan, as they claimed that the revised master plan for Mangalore by MUDA is causing a lot of inconvenience to the poor who owns a small site and wish to construct a house.



Addressing a press meet on , DYFI President Muneer Katipalla said that every person has to pay 15 per cent fee for legalising the site and the design has to be approved by the MUDA. “If a person who wish to construt first floor to the house which has been given building license by the MCC, he should seek technical approval from the MUDA and has to pay 15 per cent fee, which is unscientific,” he said. “The plan states that one has to give his/her land for road without any obligation. If a person owns three or five cents land, then it is impossible for him to construct a house if the new Mangalore plan is implemented,” he added.