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MC clears Fieldganj nallah design, cost escalates

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Indian Express    11.08.2010

MC clears Fieldganj nallah design, cost escalates

Raakhi Jagga Tags : fieldganj nallah design Posted: Wed Aug 11 2010, 04:26 hrs

 Ludhiana: After four years of delay, the Municipal Commission finally cleared the new design for remodelling the Fieldganj nullah on Monday. The delay has pushed up construction charges manifold — from Rs 16 crore to Rs 24 crore.

Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal laid the foundation stone for remodelling of the nallah on Tuesday.

Under the new plan, based on the suggestions of engineers of IIT Roorkee, the nullah will be demolished and reconstructed and a 400-milimetre thick slab will cover it.

The final sanction to the enhanced budget will be given by the Finance and Contract Committee, which is yet to hold its meeting.

Sources, however, confirmed that committee had given a go-ahead and would meet to fulfil the formality. Project in-charge R P Gupta said the design was with MC Commissioner A K Sinha.

“If the design is to the satisfaction, it will be given a formal approval,” said Senior Deputy Mayor Parveen Bansal.

Congress councillor Sanjay Talwar, under whose jurisdiction the area around the nallah falls, said: “About one and a half years has been left for the next elections. It is yet to be seen whether the project will be completed before that. Even though the deputy CM hurriedly launch the project today, many formalities are yet to be completed.”

The Fieldganj nallah is basically a rain drain, at the moment it is being used for sewer flow; and till the time the lines are not cleaned, water cannot flow smoothly in the nullah.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 August 2010 10:33