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Come clean on city’s finances

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The Deccan Chronicle  31.08.2010

Come clean on city’s finances

This budget is all fiction. BBMP will not be able to generate the planned revenue and so will not be able to spend on the projects listed. Property tax receipts have been over-estimated by over 50 per cent and many of the state grants are not likely to materialise. But it will still have to deal with fixed administrative expenditure and loan repayments, which will reduce the money available for the many projects announced.

One cannot understand the fascination with tunnels. The BDA had some years ago released an artist’s sketch of a tunnel road from its office to Hebbal, but it never got past the drawing board.

Steel flyovers have also been announced in the past. May be the next time they will announce stainless steel flyovers to stop them from rusting. One wishes BBMP had presented a realistic Budget.

This would have helped it gain the people’s trust. It needs to come out with a white paper on its finances and give Bengalurean’s the real picture.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 31 August 2010 07:51