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Govindpura industrial area in coordination with other depts: Gaur

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The Pioneer  07.09.2010

Govindpura industrial area in coordination with other depts: Gaur

PNS | Bhopal

The development scheme for Govindpura Industrial Area will be prepared with the coordination of Revenue, Industry, Energy departments and Bhopal Municipal Corporation.

This instruction was given by Urban Administration and Development Minister Babulal Gaur at a meeting of the concerned departments' at his residence on Monday. Instructions have been given to mark an alternative site for shifting 605 slums, which are coming in the construction of four-lane road of Roop Nagar. Those meeting includes divisional commissioner Manoj Shrivastava, officers of Revenue and Industry departments, BMC, Power Distribution and president of Govindpura Industrial Association Rajesh Khare.

The proposed four-lane road to be built at a cost of `3.50 crore from Roop Nagar to Ayodhya Bypass.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 September 2010 06:25