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Urban local bodies will be given financial support: Minister

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The Hindu       21.07.2011

Urban local bodies will be given financial support: Minister

Special Correspondent

Kunhalikutty stresses need to settle problems related to Vilappilsala plant
Charting goals: Minister for Urban Affairs P.K. Kunhalikutty holds discussions with Mayor K.Chandrika, councillors, and officials at the Corporation office in Thiruvananthapuram on Wednesday .
Charting goals: Minister for Urban Affairs P.K. Kunhalikutty holds discussions with Mayor K.Chandrika, councillors, and officials at the Corporation office in Thiruvananthapuram on Wednesday .

Minister for Urban Affairs P.K. Kunhalikutty said here on Wednesday that the government was prepared to extend financial support for urban local self-government institutions.

Addressing councillors and senior officials during a visit to the City Corporation headquarters here, he said the funds needed for carrying out municipal functions would be released despite the financial difficulties faced by the government and the Corporation. The Minister stressed the need to recover the property tax dues from various institutions including the Assembly complex. The government, he said, would support this effort.

Capacity utilisation

Mr.Kunhalikutty stressed the need to find an amicable settlement to the problems faced by the garbage treatment plant at Vilappilsala. He called for capacity utilisation of the plant.

“Dumping garbage from the city in a suburban area is unfair. In working out a solution, the panchayat has to be taken into confidence.”

The Minister assured the Corporation employees that the government would adopt a sympathetic attitude to their problems.

Mayor K.Chandrika told the Minister that 70 per cent of the construction of the sewage treatment plant at Muttathara had been completed. She sought the help of the government in acquiring land for five sewage pumping stations.

Help promised

She also urged the Minister to ensure the availability of adequate staff to implement the Plan programmes taken up by the Corporation. The Minister assured the Mayor of all possible help for the Corporation.

Mr.Kunhalikutty was received by the Mayor, Deputy Mayor G.Happikumar, chairmen of standing committees, councillors, Corporation Secretary K.Biju, and senior officials. The Health section made a presentation on the garbage collection system in the city and the functioning of the treatment plant at Vilappilsala.