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Budget passed amidst protest in Tripunithura

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The New Indian Express                        23.03.2013

Budget passed amidst protest in Tripunithura

With the support extended by majority councillors,  Tripunithura Municipality’s annual budget for 2013-14 has been passed.

The budget envisages a revenue of Rs 109.25 crore, an expenditure of Rs 105.04 crore and a surplus of Rs 4.2 crore.

During the budget review session, the Opposition councillors raised severe  criticisms against the budget. They said the proposals were the repetition of the earlier budget and lacked creative suggestions to raise income.  Tripunithura Municipal Opposition Leader C N Sundharan levelled a serious allegation against the municipality that Rs 10 lakh has been allocated to help  an individual.

“In the budget, Rs 10 lakh has been earmarked to rehabilitate street vendors. The street vendors in the area are the employees of an individual. Hence, the funds have been earmarked to cater to the vested interest of a person who controls the vendors,” he said.

He added that the municipality had failed to implement the Ayyankali Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme during the last financial year.

“The proper implementation of the scheme would have granted employment to several poor people. But, the municipality turned blind eye towards them. Funds have not been earmarked to implement the scheme,” he said.  Meanwhile, opposition councillor S Madhusudhanan said several proposals lacked proper planning and feasibility. “For instance, the bus terminal proposal has been repeated and `50 crore has been allocated for this. But, a way to generate funds for the project has not been mentioned,” he said.

He added that funds have been set aside for several projects, including dumping yard, water treatment plant and plastic treatment plant. “But it is not mentioned where it should be implemented and how,” he said and added that the municipality failed in proper waste management too.

“The 100 LED street lights allotted to the municipal area are not adequate,” added.

However, in the reply speech, Tripunithura municipal chairman R Venugopal said that proper plan will be developed to implement the proposed projects   after council meetings.  “We have to continue with the development projects introduced last year. For this, adequate funds have to be allocated. So, the budget can’t be termed repetitive,” he said.

Last Updated on Saturday, 23 March 2013 09:11