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MC approves budget of Rs 663 crore

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Indian Express 16.02.2010

MC approves budget of Rs 663 crore

Express News Service Tags : corporation, budget10, MC approves budget Posted: Tuesday , Feb 16, 2010 at 0507 hrs

Chandigarh: The Municipal Corporation approved a budget of Rs 663 crore for 2010-11 during the meeting of the Finance and Contract Committee held today. Of this, around Rs 382 crore would be under the plan head and Rs 281.45 under non-plan. The budget would now be presented in the House meet to be held on Friday.

During 2009-10, allocation under the plan head was Rs 280 crore, while under non-plan it was Rs 389 crore.

The first budget of Rs 488 crore proposed by the officials had been rejected by all members of the committee in a meeting held on February 10. It has been argued that allocation under the plan head was less than the last financial year. The committee had asked officials to prepare a revised budget.

In the budget that was finally approved, Rs 67 crore was allocated for improvement of roads, parking places and infrastructure facilities. Funds worth Rs 40 crore were allotted for setting up a bird slaughterhouse. Rs 3 crore has been earmarked for electrification of sectors, while Rs 1 crore was alloted for colonies.

The civic body would be spending Rs 13.50 crore for improvement of infrastructure facilities in rehabilitation colonies. Rs 9.5 crore was earmarked for landscaping of the city. For enhancing facilities for storm water drainage, Rs 27 crore has been allocated.

The officials decided that budgetary allocation would be made to set up two marriage palaces.

The Municipal Corporation would also make efforts to reduce dependence on groundwater. Officials would try to reduce the number of tubewells in the city. Funds worth Rs 7 crore were marked for improvement of facilities in Industrial Area.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 16 February 2010 10:17