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Municipal Finance

TDP demands grants for GHMC

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The Hindu         09.03.2011

TDP demands grants for GHMC

Special Correspondent

The Telugu Desam has urged the State government to either allocate all the grants and finances due to the GHMC or take over the responsibility of payment of salaries to the staff.

In a communication to Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, TDP floor leader Singireddy Srinivasa Reddy pointed out that the yearly expenditure towards salaries and pensions was to the tune of Rs. 248 crore, but the government was denying even the mandated grants to the municipal corporation.

“About Rs. 230 crore of profession tax is not being reimbursed, only Rs. 20 crore is being paid as against the demand for Rs.170 crore for property tax on State government buildings and not a single pie was coming from the road maintenance grants,” he alleged.

Property tax from Central government properties too is a meagre Rs. 20 crore in the form of service tax.

Singireddy Srinivasa Reddy observed that there would have been no need for the GHMC to resort to any hike in property tax for residential or commercial properties if the requisite grants were provided for.


HUDA sanctions Rs 22.95 crore for SPR project

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The Hindu         08.03.2011

HUDA sanctions Rs 22.95 crore for SPR project

GURGAON: The Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) has sanctioned Rs 22.95 crore for the construction of the Southern Peripheral Road (SPR). This ambitious project has faced several hurdles in the past but now, with the santioning of these funds, the project has received an impetus.

A senior HUDA official said the approval letter has been received and the construction work would begin in next four months. Under the project, the HUDA would construct a 17 km road connecting the Faridabad-Gurgaon stretch to National
Highway-8. The office said a core committee would be set up to prepare a detailed estimate of the project which would later be submitted for technical evaluation.

The project's success is crucial to solving decongestion problems at key intersections like IFCCO Chowk and MG Road. At present, all traffic from Faridabad passes through MG Road and IFCCO Chowk before arriving on the NH-8.

The SPR will pass through the Sector 56 road, Badshahpur road, Kherki Dhaula and NH-8, thus enabling the NH-8 bound traffic from Faridabad to avoid passing through MG Road.

The HUDA is planning to kick start the work from Sohna, but several litigations on the Sohna-NH8 stretch have jeopardised the project. Senior officials say about a kilometre-long stretch on the Sohna-NH8 road is proving to be the biggest hurdle. Over 35 court cases related to land acquisition on the stretch are still pending in the court. The litigants are mainly land owners, residents and private firms.

The construction of over a dozen illegal houses and shops in Sector 56, which falls on the SPR route, has also delayed the project. 


Central panel urged to release JNNURM funds

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The Hindu      18.01.2011

Central panel urged to release JNNURM funds

Staff Reporter

GVMC to make a presentation on the progress of various projects taken up under the mission

The cash-starved Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation will make out a case before the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee for conditional release of part of the Rs.434 crores due to it from the Central and State Governments for projects taken up under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission.

At the meeting scheduled towards the month-end, it would make a presentation on the progress of various projects taken up under the mission and urge the committee to release the funds with a commitment to accelerate the implementation of reforms in GIS-based property tax, solid waste management and collection of user charges for underground drainage, Municipal Commissioner V.N. Vishnu told reporters here on Monday.

The corporation was hoping that around 80 per cent of funds due would be released by March giving it a huge relief.

While no condition on implementation of reforms was insisted for release of funds earlier, this time the Finance Department was particular about implementation.

Total outlay

The total outlay for the JNNURM projects, including the increased cost of the housing units, is around Rs.2,011 crores. Of it, Rs.1,052 crores has been released so far and the Central and State Government's share came to around Rs.744 crores and the remaining that of GVMC. The contribution of GVMC was much better compared to other ULBs, he said.

RAY meet

Mr. Vishnu said to clear the pending bills of Rs.170 crores and also to prepare for the remaining part of the works, the corporation would go in for another Rs.100 crores as loan from Hudco.

Mr. Vishnu said the detailed project report for the implementation of Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) for a slum-free city would be ready by the month-end. The DPR is being prepared by Mahendra and Mahendra Consultancy in four parts.

The readied information would be presented at a national meeting on RAY in Hyderabad to be held on January 19 and 20.


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