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Plastic invasion clogs drains

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The New Indian Express     21.05.2010

Plastic invasion clogs drains

KOCHI: With the advent of premonsoon showers, plastic waste dumped in the drains and canals in the city is blocking the flow of water resulting in the inundation of many busy thoroughfares.

Though the Corporation started cleaning sewerage canals before the onset of monsoon, the work is still pending in most parts of Kochi.

“We have cleaned many canals. The main waste is pet bottles. We can easily remove silt from the canals but pet bottles dumped in the drains and canals create blocks which are hard to remove,” said a worker engaged in cleaning the drain at Madhava Pharmacy Junction.

People usually throw pet bottles into the drains. It won’t create much problem during summer. But once it starts raining the drains get clogged.

During the cleaning process we have recovered a large quantity of pet bottles from the drains,” the worker said.

Corporation Works Standing Committee Chairman Anil Kumar said that the Corporation was contemplating on devising means to deal with the plastic waste clogging the city drains.

“Plastic waste is a growing issue.

The Corporation will ask shopkeepers not to dump plastic waste into drains and canals. The public should be made aware of this. They too are responsible to keep the drains free of pet bottles and other plastic waste." "The Corporation is planning to erect sign boards to create awareness among the public in this regard,” he said.

Last Updated on Friday, 21 May 2010 10:34