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Green Health Festival from today

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The Hindu      27.07.2010

Green Health Festival from today

Staff Reporter

ALAPPUZHA: The Alappuzha municipality, in association with various science and healthcare institutions, is organising the Alappuzha Green Health Festival 2010 from Tuesday to July 31.

Addressing a press conference here, Municipal Chairman P.P. Chitharanjan said the health and environment knowledge event, to be held at the Alappuzha Town Hall, would aim at creating awareness on the significance of healthcare initiatives and environmental conservation apart from imparting practical knowledge on both topics to the general public through exhibitions and a series of seminars.

The State Health Department, State Suchithwa Mission, Kudumbasree and other units would have their stalls at the exhibition to showcase garbage disposal initiatives and success stories while a medical exhibition would be put up by the Alappuzha Medical College and the Cochin Cooperative Medical College.

Institutions including the ISRO, the Kerala Science and Technology Museum and the Tourism department too would have their stalls at the exhibition. All the events are open to all without any entry fee, Mr. Chitharanjan said, adding that arrangements were in place to enable students of all schools in the municipal region to visit the exhibition.

A series of seminars would discuss topics including the role of women in garbage disposal, traffic safety, cyber crimes and students, the significance of environment conservation and health care. Ministers T.M. Thomas Isaac, G. Sudhakaran, S. Sarma, N.K. Premachandran and Mullakkara Ratnakaran would be among the speakers at the seminars apart from Mahatma Gandhi University Vice-Chancellor Rajan Gurukkal; Agricultural University Vice-Chancellor K.R.Viswambharan and Kerala University Vice-Chancellor A. Jayakrishnan.

Mr. Gurukkal will inaugurate the event at 10 a.m. on Tuesday.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 July 2010 05:05