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Is Mysore second cleanest city only on paper?

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The New Indian Express  29.07.2010

Is Mysore second cleanest city only on paper?

MYSORE: The Union Urban Development Ministry may have declared Mysore as the second cleanest city in the country. However, this fact needs to be taken with more than just a pinch of salt.
For, undue attention has been bestowed upon the city centre and its adjoining areas than its interior parts, where residents contend with open drainages and garbage heaps dumped along roadsides, to name a few.

Mysore is also home to a large number of slums that are in dire need of a facelift and its dwellers needing rehabilitation. Areas like Shathinagar, Ghousianagar, Mandi Mohalla and other backward are in desperate need of attention. Although the the slum dwellers were promised of being rehabilitated under the JNNURM programme, action is yet to be taken.

K S Raykar, Commissioner, Mysore City Corporation (MCC), said that the clearing of debris is a continuous process and added that four trucks have been reserved for the purpose. He also informed that a control room would be setup that can be contacted by people to lodge complaints in this regard. Clearing will be done free of cost.

Last Updated on Thursday, 29 July 2010 06:31