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‘Fogging not enough to end mosquito menace’

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The New Indian Express 02.08.2010

‘Fogging not enough to end mosquito menace’


BANGALORE: Every year, monsoons bring a series of vector-borne diseases like dengue and chikungunya and the BBMP resorts to fogging and spraying affected areas.

But the lack of experts, who could have otherwise averted its recurrence is a cause of concern, said Medical Entomologist, Syed Jawid.

Speaking to Express, Jawid, a visiting professor at the Jimma University, Ethiopia said, “Fogging and spraying pesticides is not enough. Though there are biologists in the health department, there is a lack of medical entomologists, who actually study the vector-borne diseases.”

According to a report published by Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (2003), there is global shortage of medical entomologist.

Sources at the BBMP health department also confirmed that though there was a vacancy for a medical entomologist, the post has been lying vacant. Dr Lokesh, Project Coordinator for vector-borne diseases, BBMP said, “We do not have a medical entomologist but we have a biologist and he takes care of all the research.”

However, Dr T S Chalvaraju, Joint Director for Communicable Diseases, Department of Health and Family Welfare said they have one entomologist at the state level, one at the regional level and one at the district level.”

Last Updated on Monday, 02 August 2010 10:31