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Living in filth

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The New Indian Express    02.08.2010

Living in filth


BANGALORE: Heaps of garbage lie for weeks on the roads in Sanjaynagar ward, prompting residents of the area to blast the officials of the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) for giving scant attention to their welfare.

“In the absence of door-to-door collection of garbage, the residents are left with no option but to throw waste on the roadside and the drain. Garbage is left unattended in three places, resulting in a foul smell emanating from the entire area. The  absence of garbage containers, which are supposed to be placed at strategic locations, makes things worse,” rues  Satya Murthy, the president of the Residents Association, which looks after the three parks, including a children's park, in the ward.

The garbage is only one of the many problems plaguing the ward. Residents of the area are forced to bear with the traffic problem on the main road. The road is always treacherous because of the heavy traffic flow and becomes a nightmare during peak hours. Trucks and buses speed on the narrow stretch, forcing two-wheelers and cars to make way and run the risk of being pushed into the roadside ditches.

“The main road has to be widened to facilitate smooth traffic. There are huge ditches on the road. Our misery increases when it rains and there is slush on the road. The association has urged the BBMP and other government agencies to expedite road widening,” says advocate Prasad.

Nagabhooshini, who works as a cook, says that there is a shortage of drinking water in her area. “There are issues such as stray dog and mosquito menace and lack of drainage and water. The officials at the helm of affairs and even the corporator do not seem to be bothered about addressing these issues,” complains Nagabhooshini, who lives in a slum. Murthy also vents his ire at the unscientific projects taken up by the authorities without understanding the needs of the people. “The Chief Minister has spent Rs 2 crore to develop the 80-feet road, constructing fancy benches on the footpaths. Its a complete waste of public money,” he says.

“People of this ward has many other problems. There is an 11-KV electric line passing through the park near Sandeepa Niketan School. Many high-rise buildings have come up in the surrounding area, against rules. We have submitted many memorandums seeking action to prevent tragedy, but the authorities have not done anything in this regard,” he adds.

Corporator Krishnamurthy says that he is aware of the problems but lack of funds have come in the way of the development of the ward. “There are plans to construct a swimming pool in Sanjaynagar and make it a 'green ward'. I expect to get more funds in the coming budget,” he says.

Last Updated on Monday, 02 August 2010 10:32