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Indian Express     11.08.2010


Ajay Khape Tags : swine flu, health Posted: Wed Aug 11 2010, 05:25 hrs

 Pune:  Vaccination mandatory for PMC medical staff

Acting on the directions of the state government, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has made it mandatory for its medical staff to take the vaccine for swine flu or give in writing that the civic body will not be responsible if they succumb to H1N1 infection.

“The state government had given us directions that all the civic medical staff who will be engaged in handling swine flu patients will have to be given the vaccine. However, there was little response to it and the government decided to make it mandatory for the staff,” said Sunil Tore, Medical Officer of PMC.

The target is to vaccinate 1,226 medical staff of civic hospitals and so far 556 staff have taken the vaccine, he said. this despite the fact that the program was extended after the deadline ended by July 31.

“There will be a review of the situation on Wednesday and a report on the program will be submitted to the state government so that the remaining vaccine can be returned back,” Tore said.

The state government has also urged the civic body to take positive consent from those taking the vaccine saying they will not hold anyone responsible for any side-effects.

Ward medical officer Kalpana Baliwant said that the civic administration is trying to convince the medical staff who refuse to take the vaccine to go for it on the basis of reports of those who have got vaccinated.

“There is no need to panic as none of the 556 vaccinated staff has shown any side effects,” she said.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 August 2010 10:30