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Malaria menace: Locals to help civic body to curb spread

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The Times of India  12.08.2010

Malaria menace: Locals to help civic body to curb spread

MUMBAI: With the city hit hard by the malaria menace, residents' associations and Advanced Locality Managements (ALMs) have now taken the lead in helping the civic body curb the spread of mosquitoes and sensitizing people.

Residents' groups from Khar and neighbouring areas interacted with civic health officials in a meeting organized on Wednesday to create awareness about malaria and what citizens can do to check the growth of the larvae its vector.

Meanwhile, the BMC on its part, too, has started conducting meetings with private medical practitioners to explain to them the exact procedure to be followed by them to cure patients suffering from this ailment.

The public health department of the BMC has formed five teams that have been conducting meetings with general practitioners in the city.

"Over the past one week, the team has conducted eight to 10 meetings a day in various wards. So far, nearly 30 such meetings have been conducted across Mumbai,'' Dr Kamakshi Bhate, associate professor, KEM Hospital said.

Last Updated on Thursday, 12 August 2010 10:57