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At last, the clean up act begins

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The Deccan Herald  27.08.2010

At last, the clean up act begins

Bangalore, Aug 26, DHNS:

The overhaul is finally here. The Department of Social Welfare has drawn a list of things that will be implemented to finally rehabilitate the Rehabilitation centre itself.

Apart from getting 10 doctors from the Health Department and BBMP, arrangements have been made to admit patients from the Centre to Bowring, Victoria and Epidemic Hospital in Indiranagar. To complete the perfect picture of medical services, ambulances will also be purchased.

For the maintenance itself, the Department has gone into an overdrive by installing washing machines, providing facilities for ironing clothes and providing four sets of clothes to every inmate.

The other area of prime importance, the kitchen is also being cleaned up by getting additional staff of 50 from BBMP and BWSSB. The groceries will be procured by an outside agency. As of now, strict instructions have been given not to allow outside food on the

The responsibility for repairing and maintaining the solar water heater systems has been given to Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited (KREDL).  The plan to set up an online database with the help of biometrics and photographs of each inmate has been given to Keonics.

The system is being set up to provide transparency into the process of admission of new people into the Centre. For admissions, the Centre is now putting a stringent system in place, where it has to be clearly established that the person brought by the police is clearly a beggar. No other admissions will be allowed. Once a person has been an inmate for three months, he/she will be given the option of going out of the Rehabilitation Centre.

The Department has also put forward a proposal for using the NGO, Cadabams for  rehabilitation of patients who are mentally ill. If the proposal is approved, the Cadabams will provide their trained staff at the Centre for counselling and treatment and maintain the personal hygiene of patients.

A department official said they were keen on approval of this proposal.  “Which government staffer will agree to clean the patients day in and day out?” the official asked.

Last Updated on Friday, 27 August 2010 06:58