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Corporation to create awareness

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The new Indian Express 14.08.2009

Corporation to create awareness

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: In the wake of the growing scare of swine flu in the capital, the City Corporation has decided to intervene through mass public awareness programmes. To start with, a mass convention with the participation of health activists, ASHA volunteers, councillors, residents’ associations, school representatives, anganwadi workers and social workers has been planned on August 18.

The Corporation has also decided to give every bit of publicity to the mass convention so that it gets enough public attention. This was decided at the Health Committee meeting that was convened at the Corporation office here on Thursday.

Said Health Committee Chairman G.R.Anil, ``We do not want to create a scare, but it is also necessary that preventive measures are taken. Otherwise, the situation can go out of control. The convention is intended to draw the attention of the public to the methods of fighting the disease and staying away from any kind of fear.’’

Also, it has been decided to supply N95 masks to the Corporation last-grade employees who associate themselves with hospitals and cemeteries. The drivers of the Corporation’s ambulance and mobile mortuary unit, the workers at the Santhi Kavadam at Thycaud and the employees of the Corporation-run hospitals will be provided with these masks.

With a shortage of N95 masks creating difficulty, the local body has decided to ask the Health Department to take the necessary action. ``Wearing a simple mask that costs Rs three or four will not help in any way. The employees will be enlightened on the importance of the three-layered preventive mask and the need to wear them while on duty,’’ said Anil.

Various tips that can help one stay away from catching the fever and pamphlets carrying details of the disease will be published by the Corporation for distribution among the public and in schools.

Apart from the awareness programmes initiated by the Education Department in schools, the Corporation will also do its bit to help contain the situation. The local body has asked the councillors to call ward committee meetings and discuss the steps to be taken to create public awareness.