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MMC's sanitary dept in a mess

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The Times of India  03.09.2010

MMC's sanitary dept in a mess

MARGAO: Poor maintenance of garbage compactors and irregular reporting of sanitary workers have hampered the garbage collection and disposal exercise of the Margao Muncipal Council (MMC).

Chief officer of the council Y B Tavde has now instructed the municipal engineer to look into the problems faced by the sanitary department and work out ways to tide over the situation.

Though breakdown of garbage collection vehicles is a frequent occurrence, the MMC is yet to take any steps for procurement of new garbage compactors. The proposal sent to directorate of municipal administration ( DMA) seeking funds for purchasing four garbage compactors is yet to be cleared.

Moreover, an inadequate number of supervisors to oversee garbage collection is another problem that has been plaguing the MMC. With there being six routes for garbage collection, the present strength of just five supervisors is largely inadequate.

Indiscipline among the drivers manning the garbage vehicles is rampant and absenteeism frequent. "As is their wont, the drivers remain absent from duties without prior intimation, and the planned schedule of the day goes awry," a civic official said.

That's not all. Tools and implements needed for garbage collection are almost always unavailable in the MMC store, sources informed.

"Baskets, gumboots, gloves, etc are never available in the store and more often than not they have to be purchased from the retail market by spending money from our own pockets," sources said.

Last Updated on Friday, 03 September 2010 10:12