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Civic body gets nod to spray Games venues with insecticides

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Indian Express    04.09.2010

Civic body gets nod to spray Games venues with insecticides

Chinki Sinha Tags : health, civic body Posted: Sat Sep 04 2010, 03:40 hrs

New Delhi:  In a last ditch effort to secure the Commonwealth Games from the dengue scare, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi will now spray synthetic pyrethroids, potent lipophilic insecticides used for mosquito control in some South East Asian countries, at the CWG sites. An expert panel that studied the proposal gave its nod to use the particular chemical exclusively at the CWG venues to control mosquito breeding a fortnight ago.

With over 1,000 cases of dengue being reported in the city, around 20 participating countries have written to the CWG Organising Committee asking for an update on the status of the outbreak and also the measures being taken by the government to control it.

With the MCD listing several Games sites among the dengue hotspots in the city, the government had earlier this week allowed the civic body access to these venues for spraying the chemical. The MCD is now training around 80 staffers to spray the insecticide, being procured from Mumbai.

The insecticide has been used in Sri Lanka and other South East Asian countries for anti-malaria operations. It is safe to use pyrethroids in India as they are considered to be one of the least toxic insecticides to humans and are quickly deactivated by metabolic processes, said MCD officials quoting the WHO.

“I just wanted to make sure these did not have any side effects. The doctors at meetings had told us these were safe chemicals and if other countries have used these, we can go for it too,” said Health Minister Kiran Walia, adding that the proposal has been approved. 

Dr V K Monga of MCD’s Health Department said mosquitoes will not breed for about three months after synthetic pyrethroids are sprayed on the walls. “Now that we have the clearance, we will start spraying soon. Since we don’t have much time, we will only be doing it at the venues,” he said. “We are training our staff as it is a strong insecticide and can permanently stain furniture and glass.”

Synthetic pyrethroids were introduced in the 1970s for agricultural purposes and have low toxicity. Some concerns, however, have surfaced regarding the effect of the insecticide on respiration if inhaled regularly and directly. But Walia and Monga said medical experts and the WHO have jointly assured the officials that it is a relatively safe chemical.

deaths on Wednesday
None Total number of deaths so far

3 confirmed, 3 suspected

Total Number of dengue cases
1,081 cases with 67 fresh cases on Thursday.

Areas reportedMCD South Zone reported around 183 cases and the Central Zone reported 162. Shahdara South 44 and NDMC 117.

Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azadhas called a meeting of the city’s civic bodies to discuss dengue and the Commonwealth Games on Friday morning. After three deaths and spiralling number of positive cases in the city, which is due to host the mega sports event in a few weeks, the alarm bells have started to ring. At the meeting, measures to bring the outbreak under control and the preparedness of the city will be discussed, said an MCD official.

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Last Updated on Saturday, 04 September 2010 11:20