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Govt decides to sell nutritious wheat flour in urban areas from October

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The Pioneer  06.09.2010

Govt decides to sell nutritious wheat flour in urban areas from October

Staff Reporter | Bhopal

Under the private-public participation (PPP), the State Government has decided to sell nutritious wheat flour (Atta) to people living in urban areas.

As per Central Government’s suggestions and in coordination with the Swiss Foundation GAIN (Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition), the State Government has taken over the responsibility to sell nutritious wheat flour.

Two other famous national institutions — Wheat Product Promotion Society (WPPS) and India Flour Fortified Network (IFFN) —will guide the Government endeavour.

Selection of flourmills and action of implementation of this project has reached the final stages, the public will start receiving the nutritious wheat flour from October.

During the first and experimental phase, the responsibility of making available the wheat flour will be with the selected flourmills in 22 towns of the State.

Separate arrangements are being made for selling this nutritious wheat flour. The Above Poverty Line (APL) ration card-holders will get 10 kg wheat flour per ration card per month, while Below Poverty Line (BPL) and Antyodaya card holders will continue getting food grains in the specified quantity from the fair price shops.

The responsibility of this scheme have been entrusted to flourmills at a district-level, where the miller will take delivery of wheat from the godown, flour it, mix it with nutritious ingredients and pack it before dispatching it to the fair price shops.

The flour will be scientifically tested to ensure that it has the specified nutrients before it is packaged. The flour miller will also be responsible for disposing the Atta if it is not sold in time or damaged.

This wheat four will be made available to the public through fair price shops and cooperative consumer stores only. In spite of adding nutrients the wheat flour will be priced below the market price.

Last Updated on Monday, 06 September 2010 06:40