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Indian Express     06.09.2010


Express News Service Tags : health, dengue, help line no Posted: Mon Sep 06 2010, 04:27 hrs

New Delhi:  Number of deathsNone
Total number of deaths so far3 confirmed,3 suspected
Total Number of dengue cases 1,295cases with 69 fresh cases on Sunday.

The Health department has agreed to clear around Rs 68 crore to help the agency fight the dengue menace in the Capital. The MCD says it got only Rs 11 crore out of the sanctioned funds and needs more to step up its fight against the vector-borne disease. This was decided in a meeting called by the Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad to ensure that all agencies cooperate to prevent the disease from spreading ahead of the Commonwealth Games.

Meanwhile, experts said the type I strain of dengue prevalent in the city is not life threatening.

The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has decided to launch a week-long sanitation-cum-cleanliness drive from Monday to control mosquito breeding and spread of dengue in the Capital. All the departments of the civic body have been directed to participate effectively in the drive to ensure sanitation and cleanliness. The MCD has also appealed to all residents welfare associations, market associations, parent-teachers associations and social welfare groups to participate in the drive and help control the spread of dengue.

Helpline number: 011-22307145

Last Updated on Monday, 06 September 2010 11:50