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Vijanapura craves for UGD facility

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The New Indian Express  09.09.2010

Vijanapura craves for UGD facility

The residents want the BWSSB authorities to provide them with clean drinking water

BANGALORE: The residents of Vijanapura and surrounding areas want the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) authorities to provide under-ground drainage (UGD) facility. They also expect the BBMP authorities to take measures to keep their area clean.

Though most of the roads are asphalted, the BBMP authorities have to do a lot to strengthen the open drains. Most of the drains are clogged with silt.

‘‘Low-lying areas get inundated with rain water due to lack of proper storm water drain facility. All the drains are filled with silt. I expect the BBMP authorities to clear the silt from these drains to avoid inconvenience during monsoon,’’ said M Gagana, a housewife.

It will be disgusting to see many households letting the sewage into an open drain at many areas of this ward. ‘‘It is nauseating to see the sewage being let into an open drain. It will cause health problems. I am not able to understand the BBMP’s logic in delaying the UGD facility to our area,’’ said a housewife on condition of anonymity.

The other problem is the acute shortage of drinking water. There is only one borewell for four streets. ‘‘The water is not potable. We have to buy drinking water from a private water supplier. The Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) authorities have not taken any measures to supply drinking water,’’ said N Vijayamma, a housewife.

If the overgrown weeds and heaps of garbage at a vacant space near the Masjid is any indication, it seems that pourakarmikas are not doing their job properly.

‘‘The clearing of garbage depends on their whims and fancies. No one has any control on them. I think it is the high time for the BBMP to ensure the cleanliness of our area,’’ said M Nazeer, a shop-owner.

However, Sugumaran, Corporator, blames a few residents for letting the sewage into an open drain. ‘‘I want the residents of Vijanapura to cooperate with me. I am trying my best to provide basic amenities at this area. I advised them to dig up pits to let the sewage than letting it into an open drain,’’ said Sugumaran.

On the acute shortage of drinking water, Sugumaran blamed the BWSSB for not clearing the dues to contractors for maintenance of borwells. ‘‘There are eight defunct borewells at my ward. How can I supply water without repairing these borewells?’’ asks the corporator.

He said that the BBMP would provide the UGD facility within two years.

Last Updated on Thursday, 09 September 2010 11:58