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Birur Town Municipal Council smothered in squalor

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The Deccan Herald  16.09.2010

Birur Town Municipal Council smothered in squalor

Birur, Sept 15, DH News Service:

The Town Municipal Council, which is supposed to ensure cleanliness of the town seems to have not yet been acquainted to the concept of cleanliness. One look at the Council building and this statement seems true.

Mosquitoes and larvae breeding on stagnant water around the council building, litter and heaps of waste dumped in the premises, weeds growing on council building hold mirror to how efficiently the Town Municipal Council has been performing its duty of maintaining cleanliness in the town. People visiting the Council to get their works done have been wondering how the officials have been working in the building being blind to the dirt around them. The visitors say that elected representatives and officials should wake up to the situation and take steps to beautify the building and keep the premises clean.

Last Updated on Thursday, 16 September 2010 10:40