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No respite in sight from bovine bane

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Hindustan Times  16.09.2010

No respite in sight from bovine bane
It seems cattle menace will continue to haunt the Capital for some time to come. The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) on Wednesday succeeded in buying more time to relocate illegal dairies from urban areas across the city to Ghogha Dairy Colony. Granting a year-long extension, the Division Bench of Chief Justice Dipak Mishra and Justice Manmohan, however, said the MCD must relocate all illegal dairies within a year and another delay would be “unacceptable”. The Bench said that the MCD officials concerned, who fail to comply with the court order, would face contempt proceedings.

Meira Bhatia counsel for Common Cause, an NGO, which filed a PIL to shift illegal dairies from the city said: “This is for the third time that the MCD has sought an extension since May 2007 from the same court. The previous court orders have become infructuous with the municipal corporation asking for another extension.”

The MCD has filed an application in the court stating that it needs another year to develop Ghogha Dairy Colony, where 2,080 plots are available.

The civic agency claimed that it has sought applications from dairy owners for allotments.

Earlier, 1,373 dairy owners had applied for allotments. However, 850 applicants were found to be bogus. 

The counsel for the civic body told the court that because of certain inevitable conditions, the process of relocating illegal dairies was not completed. 

Bhatia, however, counterargued that the civic agency is dilly dallying the relocation process and just covering up its failures.

In 2002, while hearing a public interest litigation filed by the same NGO,  the court had directed the MCD to relocate the dairies from urban areas in the city to tackle the menace of stray cattle.

Last Updated on Thursday, 16 September 2010 10:44